Member Since: 11/3/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:BOOKING & MGT. / ROCHELLE MANN ( 3 1 3 ) 6 2 3 - 3 3 9 0
J. E. COOPER NETWORK 2007 J. E. COOPER Did It!!!GREETINGS and WELCOME to our space!!! The J. E. COOPER NETWORK is a global kingdom executive conglomerate envisioned by Brooklyn born, Jersey bred Founder and C.E.O. global media entrepreneur J. E. COOPER. " The purpose of this network is to make a difference in global media by simply being different in a major way " ..... J. E. COOPER. For nearly 20 years J. E. COOPER has traveled around the world as an accomplished music recording artist, stage performer, song writer, producer, actor, teacher, preacher, revivalist, and " all out " advocate for kingdom urban ministry. With an awesome love for God and everyday people he has vigorously pioneered a unique Hip Hop Apostolic & Prophetic style of ministry that is likely to none!!! He is well known by many gospel, hip hop, and urban inspirational music lovers as " B.B.JAY " THE PENTECOSTAL POPPA, and is sincerely loved, and respected as thee most successful celebrated mainstream break through " Gospel Rap " artist in music history earning him a 2oo2 STELLAR AWARD NOMINATION one of several awards for his debut project " UNIVERSAL CONCUSSION " released on ( JIVE ) records and distributed worldwide!!! The execution and documentation of this deal with this legendary " HIP HOP " label made " B.B.JAY " thee very 1st. Kingdom Lyracist to sign a major mainstream "HIP HOP" recording deal!!! After years of tedious travel J. E. COOPER took strategic time out to spend with his family, enjoy the fruit of his labor, as well as focus on his future goals. One of his goals was to establish a unique ministry that would serve as a kingdom covering for individuals mistreated and kicked to the curb because of their involvement, influence and or association with "HIP HIP" culture as well as individuals who are classified as misfits by mainstream churchiological systemites!!! Today the "Power Move'n" Hip Hop Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry Network is that kingdom covering of which he serves as visionary, Sr. Minister, and founding "Hip Hop Apostle." As a young business man, J. E. COOPER demonstrates, savvy business intellect, finesse, and great wisdom gained from years of experiences both good and bad encouraging him to be tough as nails when it comes down to business negotiations and proposals. There is so much to be gained by being associated with this young entrepreneur which makes connecting with this great multi-media enterprise on the rise more than worth your while. Indeed it is our expectation you will find love, encouragement, entertainment, empowerment and purpose within the wisdom imparted on this page as we continue to reach the masses with a life changing kingdom message through acknowledgement, cultivation, inspiration, dedication, impartation, and excellent presentaion of ALL GOD GIVEN GIFTS!!! When it's all said and done and the party's over, tell'em "J.E.COOPER Did It!!!" in the NAME of JEHOVAH!!! On the behalf of our Visionary, Founder & C.E.O. and the (J. E. C. N.) Family THANK YOU and GOD BLESS!!!
Sounds Like:B.B.JAY IZ BACK!!!
Record Label: Jizfat / North Carolina
Type of Label: Major