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About Me

When everything is lonely I can be my own best friend I'll get a drink and a piece of paper, have my own conversations with the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection.
I view the world with an old heart and young willing eyes. My heart loves to a capacity that most do not understand. Im so full of love it actually makes me sick at times. I see beauty for what it is with no barriers, borders, or boundaries. I am more afraid of succeeding than failing.
For as long as I can remember fashion has always played a roll in my life. I just simply adore it and everything that goes along with it. Whether its designing it, making it, wearing it, photographing it, buying it, selling it, or advertising it I simply love it.
<[b>All time lifesavers: björk, death cab for cutie, jimmy eat world, múm, sigur rós, placebo, coldplay, Nowadays: the advetures of batte, alias, architechture in helsinki, beck, beirut, broken social scene, the cardigans, cat power, coco rosie, CSS, deer hunter, diamond nights, electroputas, ensími, fridge, gusgus, justin timberlake, the knife, the kooks, ladytron, lo-fi-fnk, the microphones, metronomy, mogwai, mount sims, muscles, mylo, new pornographers, nouvelle vague, pinback, placebo, royksopp the stills, the strokes, the subways, Sufjan Stevens, tiga, timbaland, uffie, yeah yeah yeahs, the zutons.]
[Favorites: almost famous, amelie, american beauty, big fish, breakfast club, the dead poet society, edward scissorhands, englar alheimsins, fight club, finding neverland, forrest gump, garden state, i ♥ huckabees, lost in translation, the pianist, punch drunk love, the virgin suicides, romeo and juliet, moulin rouge, terkel i knibe, the truman show.]
music, drawing, fashion, designing, creating, shoes, the human body, friends, photography, running, swimming, retro, films, studying, psychology, getting to know people, animals, claude monet; and especially his 'Nympheas' series, art, computers, dancing, cooking, cleaning - fact, sudoku, magazines,
Haffi Haff Haff
Kapteinn Eva
Daníel Ágúst

My Interests


My Blog

Louis Theroux and the nazis.

Lack of words. Watch it.Click!Lilja.X.
Posted by Liljurós on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 06:30:00 PST

If you don't jump!

You're English!Algerlega þemalag síðasta laugardags. Það var svakalegt. Weird girls kvöld númer II, og hvernig það þriðja á eftir að verða get ég ekki einu sinni gert mér hugarlund um, því að elskurna...
Posted by Liljurós on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 05:34:00 PST

Pondering, movies.

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein  1879-1955The Secret er ný mynd sem að ég sá fyrir einni eða tveimur vikum hjá Eddu í Forma. Eftir þ...
Posted by Liljurós on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 05:25:00 PST

Mallorca - pictures

Yes, I had to.I don't think they were sober at all. Like, ever.After walking a long way to the supermarket.Thug life.First night. I look pregnant.Kristín Lilja, beautiful girl.Myself and the sea.Wonde...
Posted by Liljurós on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:29:00 PST

yay life is fuuuun

Yes. The day has arrived, I'm off to Spain.I am going to spend most of my time floating around in pools, sleeping at the beach and shopping skimpy clothes I will never use again when I come home.I wi...
Posted by Liljurós on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 03:05:00 PST

Then I see you standing there

Ég fer ekki á morgun heldur hinn. Það er ótrúlega stutt í það. Næstu tvo dagana þarf ég að gera helling af skemmtilegu undirbúningsdrasli. Fara í vax (ík!), kaupa gjaldeyri, heinsa af fartölvunni sem ...
Posted by Liljurós on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 06:22:00 PST

May you live in interesting times

I have decide to become more of a 'living in the 'now'' kindof person. And loving and adoring what I have. I have spent to many hours, days, weeks, wanting something I don't have. And it didn't matter...
Posted by Liljurós on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 07:27:00 PST


"And would you stop me? If I tried to stop you?" Ég lá uppí rúmi í gær & hugsaði hvað í andskotanum í væri búin að gera? Ég lá þarna, um það bil 4 árum seinna, engu sáttari við mig og aðeins týnda...
Posted by Liljurós on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 06:52:00 PST


Stundum furða ég mig á því að ég skuli ennþá sakna þín. Ég hitti þig aldrei.Samt sakna ég þín, eins og ég hefði einhvern tíma þekkt þig. Eins og ég hefði einhvern tíma gleymt þér og farið að hugsa um ...
Posted by Liljurós on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 03:19:00 PST

Cracks me up

This year, I had the best easter vacation ever. Every night was me, with my friends, getting hammered. Here are some of the fun moments :Me wasted doing a cowboy dance and Gugga laughingEva had just ...
Posted by Liljurós on Thu, 11 May 2006 07:33:00 PST