good friends, semiotics, a healthy disdain for people in general, tulips and wild flowers, artwork my friends make, foreign newspapers, aimless walks and roadtrips, yummy drinkies and nibbles, pages and words, silence and noise, privacy, whispering in the dark, real smiles, winter days, conversations late into the night, maps, la familia, la revolucion, la vie.
oh i don't know. evel kneivel, nietzsche, marx(groucho and karl), nancy sinatra, blondie. no one in particular.
cat power, american analog set, guided by voices, pernice brothers, the shins, mishima usa, the kent 100s, radiohead, nick drake, pavement, red house painters, pedro the lion, mogwai, stereolab, bikini kill, bach, the pixies, debussy, nina simone, star ghost dog, le tigre, velvet underground, blonde redhead
life aquatic, american splendor, smoke, lost in translation, color of pomegranates, happiness, royal tennenbaums, rushmore, american movie, brazil, the apostle, dr zhivago, rushmore, magnolia, mystery train, leaving las vegas, life of brian, modern times, deer hunter
i try not to watch, but: da ali g show, six feet under, bill maher, northern exposure, all in the family, american experience, this american life(NPR), the daily show, family guy.
authors: frank o'hara, camus, st. augustine, rushdie, delillo, katie ford, raymond carver, lydia davis, neruda, katie ford, nabokov, faulkner, ck williams, ws merwin, carson mccullers, chekov, dostoyevsky, sven lindqvist
my dad.