Drug free mind expansion; Gazing deeply into me pretty lady's dark brown eyes; Watching Micky D hit home runs; Making Jakey Doodles giggle; Listening to T Bear's quippy shortfalls... Doh!!; Insatiable quest to learn the secrets within the parts... What?; Acquiring me own island with no coral reef on the North Shore ;o) Bellowing from the diaphragm; Strumming the AXE; Wordsmithing; Breaking Paradigms with my own two bare hands!!!!
"Pulp Fiction"; "We Were Soldiers"; "So I Married an Ax Murderer"; "12 O'clock High"; "Lords of Dog Town"; "A Beautiful Mind"
"Education of a Wandering Man" Louis L'Amour; "Siddartha" Hermann Hesse; "A Book of Five Rings" Miyamoto Musashi "Ezekiel 25:17" -- Jules, you da' man dude!
The guy who invented the guitar pick... oh... and Robert Johnson Chuck Yeager (Varoooooommmm) Calico Jack (Fancy clothes and AARRRrrr--love the flag dude) Captain Crunch (Milk will not sink this ship) & for the more politically correct out there... "Cap'n Crunch" LOL Colonel Sanders (I crave his chicken fortnightly,smart ass!!!!) Brad Nowell (Of all the dead poets, he sits on the thrown) Mark Farner (Get Funked!) Albert Einstien