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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello friends. Yeah I’m 35 now so its time for something spectacular! I’m a keen windsurfer and have took myself on an instructor’s course. Self development has meant a lot to me and over the years I’ve found it’s not what I own that makes me tick, it’s what I can achieve!The hardest thing I’ve done is quit smoking and the most stupid thing I’ve done was to start, I’m quite a philosophical person and as my last name is Peace I thought it rude not to become a Jedi Knight...found this sports layout at HOT

My Interests

Check out my Photo albums for a documented look at my interests.

I'd like to meet:

Outgoing, kind people, anyone with a perspective and people who can add variety to their can also find me

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Love going to gigs 'Ocean Colour Scene', most memorable was 'The fun Loving Criminals','Hard Fi','Kaiser Cheifs','Travis','Happy Mondays', 'Black eyed Peas',' Basement Jaxs', 'The Bare Naked Ladies' I find underground house music very motivating when I train and I have friends who do there own mixes. 'Russell Salsbury' was an influance...'DJ Jip!', 'Lee Coombs ', 'Louis Vega', 'David Morales' coming in the cool end of my music spectrum.


'Point Break' as my favourite because it’s the first time I noticed a film directed by a woman, 'Good Fellas', 'Casino', 'Raging Bull', 'Cape Fear', 'Heat', 'The God Father'1-2,'The Dear Hunter ''True Romance', 'Reservoir Dogs,' 'Pulp fiction', 'kill bill Vol 1-2', 'JFK' were all bubble gum for the brain and I loved chewing on them. I recently gave away my VHS Collection to a charity shop but held onto that last one 'Let the Truth Be Told or the Heavens Fall'. Love documentaries 'Riding Giants', 'Fahrenheit 9-11' and the I-MAX theatre is kung fu!


Now you got me here, I was big on the 'X- Files' and had all the box sets, after I gave them away I got a windsurf board and met loads of women so my advice to any one with a collection, keep it in the spare room you dig!


'The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield 'Mc Queen' 'Stupid White Men' By Michael Moore

My Blog

Windsurfing on Trent Lake

Click here -  Well, here i am back in 07 the move Im tryng is called 'The beach start'. Im using the winds momentum to lift me onto the board...
Posted by Steven on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST

Operation Jedi Knight - Free document downloads.

Click here - join forces with ojkthemovement What would you do if you fell in love?What would you do to feel the same way again?What would you believe if you could feel the truth?What would stand...
Posted by Steven on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 04:52:00 PST

Power Point Volume I - Free slide show downloads.

By Clicking on the links bellow you will be able to download with out charge my Power Point Presentations. These were taken during the course of two years or so becoming a JEDI knight. Enjoy, the...
Posted by Steven on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:18:00 PST

You tube @ The Academey

The following You tube clips were filmed live @ The Academey Birmingham England.Click here - Hard Fi Click here -Velvet Revolver Part 1Click here -Velvet Revolver Part 2...
Posted by Steven on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:41:00 PST