I love to try different things like kick boxing, Salsa dancing, movies long drives road trips, going to Jazz in the park or a concert. Pretty much just about anything!
I would love to meet LL cool J. (Hey i can dream can't I)? People from different states as well as professionals. People from the sports profession that would be cool!
All sorts! Old school, R&B, Hip Hop, some Rap and Jazz
All shows from back in the day! Sanford and son, Jeffersons, Good times .....ETC Bernie Mack, Are you smarter than a 5th grader, Most game shows, what ever scary movie might be on or a good drama of action flick.
I listen to books on tape at work but at home i love Omar Tyree,Zane, Miss Terry, Tyler Perry ......ETC
My mom &Dad My 3 sons