music, being a weirdo, hanging with friends, moshing, german beer :D, getting attack by squirrels, hiking, taking pics. and way more haha..
People who are:
Real. Who follow their own path. Who learn from mistakes.
Think things through. Cliff Burton. Glenn Danzig. You.
Stuff that I like. Whatever sounds good to me. Peachy eh.
scary movies and comedys, screw the chick flicks, im not to picky i like alot of movies,
Agh I've read so much crap.. Useful crap too that is.. :]
I prefer:
Autobiographies, Fiction, Historical, Informative, Mythology, Non-Fiction. You know..Good stuff.
my hero would be kurt cobain becuase he was a brilliant musician, singer and songwriter,and my other hero is john lennon i guess. for every reason about him and his determination for peace ..