Putting My Big Boy Shoes On profile picture

Putting My Big Boy Shoes On

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey guys I am 23 years old and I live in San Diego, CA. I like to explain myself as many different people from one day to the next, but in the basics of me I am funny, kind, generous, romantic, freaky, stubborn, irritable, opinionated and motivated to live a better life. I work on myself everyday and ask myself, the world and people I know why all the time to learn. Most answers I know but it always helps to be wrong and learn something new.
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Rafael. You're most like the ArchAngel of Healing.
You want people to shape up, and you nag. But
you mean well, and you're well loved despite
it. Or because of it. You bring the donuts
even as you tell people to eat more veggies.

Which ArchAngel are you most like?
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Rate me! Thoughts And Topics For Your Everyday LifeMy Message For 2008 By Jeffery Evans Jr. a.k.a "Jeffa "Ah" E."Being sad in todays world is such a cowardly thing to be because todays world is in such a depressing state. It takes a true warrior to fight past adversity, swim through the bullshit, jump past the booby traps and still be happy. That is the hero I am practicing to be these days for they are short and happy moments come far and few between. When I look out onto a sea of frowns and pain it makes me stop and think and it makes me want to smile more. Not because my fellow brother or sister is in pain, but because I want to encourage them not to be. Pain is something we all need to feel now and then, but for some of us like my former self it is an indulgence. It takes over for every other emotion you should be experiencing. Every other emotion you are meant to feel. So I say for 2008 and beyond we look to the sun and not away from it. Have you ever noticed that it's so much easier to stare at the moon than at the sun? That's because the sin spends all of it's time making gloomy days brighter, shining in a vast space of darkness while the moon just sits there and glows. As beautiful as it may be it just glows. I want to shine as bright as the sun so that I can beam into someone elses day and shine bright for them in their darkest moment...not just glow because it's easy to do.

I'd like to meet:

T-Shirt GeneratorI LOVE MEN WHO DON'T TAKE SHIT!!!I want to meet good nice people for friendship and love possibly, I want to meet a good normal guy with a head on his shoulders a dream in his heart and mind, and a good head in between his legs if possible (Just Kidding For All You Prudes!!!!), I basically just want a man who'll respect me the way I respect him and who'll cherish me and treat me right, and I'll give him the world if possibleFeatured Articles On Me:


Comedies, Porn (Always Good), Drama, Thriller/Horror, Some Documentaries, etc...


Stepen Kings "Desperation", Harry Potter, etc...
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My Blog

Its Official

So it is now official folks. I will be leaving April 1st, 2008 for Dallas, Texas. I don't know what's around the corner and this will be my first time so far away from where I originally grew up. I kn...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 07:09:00 PST

The Story Of "Muse"

Hey, You don't know me very well but I have played one of the major roles in "The Life Of Jeffery Evans Jr" written, directed, produced and of course scored by Jeffery Evans Jr.. My name is "The Muse...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 08:07:00 PST

Extremely Grateful

Extremely grateful...how do I explain it? I am grateful, ever so grateful for the life that I have and the life that I lead. I could easily be somewhere else in hell and despair. I have been looking t...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 08:57:00 PST

My Two Exs

You know...for years I have hated my ex boyfriends. I blamed them for everything that has happened to me in the last 3 years. For every love that came and went in between them. For the heartache that ...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:42:00 PST

My Message For 2008

Being sad in todays world is such a cowardly thing to be because todays world is in such a depressing state. It takes a true warrior to fight past adversity, swim through the bullshit, jump past the b...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:09:00 PST

I Am

cool calm and collected
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:15:00 PST

Above Water

I had a dream but it began to crumble at the edges. In places of hope grew darkness. In places of smiles came frowns. Now in places of happiness grows impatience. It's not enough to keep your head abo...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 10:11:00 PST


People are so irritating. The more you depend on them the more they hurt you and the less you speak to them the more offended they get. I don't understand and really right now I don't care to figure o...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 04:51:00 PST

Tonight Was Fun

OMG ya'll today was a blast from the muthafucking past. I saw so many people I thought I would never see again. It was so fucking amazing. I actually saw a girl at Numbers that I would consider having...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 03:12:00 PST

I Feel So Happy?

I don't know why for the life of me but at 2:30am this morning I just went bananas. I feel so fucking happy and energized. I don't know what happened. I think it may be having all these days off from ...
Posted by Putting My Big Boy Shoes On on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 04:09:00 PST