This one goes out to all the girls in my life... No more party planners, problem creators, stage performers and above all- hot chicks who just want to use me for my fabulous mind... Shuffle through my playlist...Enjoy...Press F5 if youre having difficulties loading all my fancy gifs and flashy music... hehe, beware of GREEKS LOADING GIFs...
Nice Peopleimg height="140" width="140"src=" 00.jpg" border=0 alt="Get Gifs at
Life is a bad Movie: ready, and ACTION...
tolkien, kurt vonnegut (Passed away 4/12/07... so it goes), mike magnuson's "Lummox", Reading Bukowski is a great way to start the day...
Wes Montgomery
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes..."
Walt Whitman