sHaUn aKa (mR. aLcHmiSt) profile picture

sHaUn aKa (mR. aLcHmiSt)

kEep iT foCus, kEep iT posiTiVe

About Me

aLL i caN sAy iS tHAT iM viBinG oN poSitiVe vibRatioNs... foCuSing oN whats reaLL... iM aN ideAliST aT heaRt....w/ a small taste of fantasy....suMtyMe doWn foR whaT eV4........ otHer tyMes oN thaT strAiGht aN NaRRow... ShiT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! doN't beLiEvE thA hYpe......................... ALLi8888

My Interests

Quarter to 8's (745 BMW)+ REAL PEOPLE+ Reggae+ Anything that will lift up my soul,mind+ Speaking mainly of positive vibrations baby+ Capoeira+ livin'life2thefullest+ & worldtravelin.+ dancNsaLsa & samBa

I'd like to meet:

Any & everyone who knows the number 1 criteria of keeping it real. Individuals w/ positive vibes. Always willing to say sUmThing good.......................... (REAL PEOPLE) If this is not U don't even hesitate. (REAL PEOPLE) (REAL PEOPLE) Alli8SumThinG VerY suRReaLLLL ( suRReaLISt ). suMonE tO viBe w/ oN aLL topiCs....


Neo-Soul : REE's, Goapele, All hip hop : Prodigyy, OC, Big L, ect. Madonna, Lenny Kravitz, R&b :Viviane Green, Floetry, Bilal, Jill Scott, ect Reggae: Bounty Killa, Major Worries, Buju Baton Yellow Man, Red Rat, Mr Vegas


Ol scool flicks like' SuperFly&TheMac" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-o yeah, 4sure", LoveJones".++++++++5


Sopranos, A&E, E tv, Espn,


Blood Money, The Black Ice,The Emperor of Ocean Park, Blood On Their Hand, Bone Yard



My Blog

wOrLd loVe or wOrlD

wHy dOeS tHe woRlD loVe u toDaY & haTe u tHe nEXt? CoUlD It bE tHaT KnOw oNe ReAlY lOVes U & tHe wOrLd s u. iF tHIs iS sO wE aRe in For iT.........................sO pEoPle!!!!!!!!jUSt tO maK...
Posted by sHaUn aKa (mR. aLcHmiSt) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Internationally Acclaimed

Yes it is true i'm back. From Frisco to Maine & Internationally acclaimed. Yeah I just returned from my European /// Middle Eastern adventure. Pictures will be up soon, so just be calm. Alli8chill ...
Posted by sHaUn aKa (mR. aLcHmiSt) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST