Dancing, shopping and of course sex.
Name: Zoey
Birthday: July 1 1987
Place of birth: Detroit
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Piercings: 6
Weight: 110lb
Tattoos: 1
Boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Coffee or capaccino: Coffee
Drink: Redbull
Hot tea or ice tea: iced
Color: pink
Letter: Z
Place to shop: Bebe
Food: anything arabic
Number: 69
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Neither Yuck
Kiss or hug: both
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cake: devils food
Candy: twix
Summer or winter: summer
Scary movie or funny movie: both
Love or money: love than money
Bedtime: when i fall asleep
Most missed memory: my first kitty Princess
Best physical feature: eyes
First thought about waking up: I'm horny
weaknesses: being kissed on my neck
Fear: i'm clostraphobic (i think thats how u spell it)
Been kissed: Duh
Smoked: what?
Been in a war: no
Been drunk: yes
Beaten someone up: i'm a lover not a fighter
Been beaten up: no
Shoplifted: no
Skinny dipped: yes
Been dumped lately: yes. Jerk
Hair: dark
Eyes: blue
Tan: yes. but not the fake and bake.
Muscles: a little
Short/ tall: tall
Short hair or long hair: does'nt matter
Height: taller than me
Hot or cute: hotttt
Alcohol or drugs: only if i can join
Looks or personality: looks
Hate anyone: yes
How do you want to die: i don't
Do you get along with your parents: yes
Do you get along with you siblings: yes
Best friends: i have friends but not best friends
Mom or dad: daddy
Do you think your attractive: sometimes
Health freak no
Neat Freak: yes
Believe in your self: yes
Do you belive in love at first sight: yes
Shower daily: of course
Ever blow dried you hair: what a stupin question. yes
Wear a scarf: when it's cold outside
Do you sing: yes but i'm not that good
Do you drink: yes
At what age do you want to lose you virginity: 14 i know i was stupid.
Want kids: someday
Want to get married: yes
Ever ran away: no
Hate anyone: yes
People i can party with.
all kind I found my rollover effect at pYzam.com , They're awesome!
I love the old slasher movies.
mtv junkie