Filmmakers who love to make film for the art of it not for the money, Artists who don’t care what the masses think, Dreamers, People that aren’t full of shit.
Anything from:
*Martin Scorsese
*Takashi Miike
*Guillermo del Toro
*Pedro Almodóvar
*Tim Burton
*John Cameron Mitchell
*Michel Gondry
*Spike Jonze
*Wes Anderson
*Luc Besson
*Alejandro González Iñárritu
*Lucky McKee
*Jean-Pierre Jeunet
*John Carpenter
*Wes Craven
*Katsuhiro Otomo
*Studio Ghibli Films
*Tobe Hooper
*George Ramiro
Anything With:
*John Malkovich
*Christopher Walken
*Willem Dafoe
*Jean Reno
*Bruce Campbell
*Angela Bettis
*Gael GarcÃa Bernal
*Most of the Criterion Collection films(which we collect).
We also love to watch:
*Film Noir
*Asian Horror
*French New Wave
Pretty much anything with a story and makes sense that can keep Mariella's attention.
*Big Love
*Flight of the Conchords
*On the Lot
*Masters of Horror
*Penn & Teller: BULLSHIT!
*CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
*The Kumars at No. 42
Anything on the:
*Discovery Channels.
*Sundance Channel
*Stars Cinema
*Anime Network
*Colours TV
Books that we actually have and recommend:
*Principles of Two-Dimensional Design by Wucius Wong
*Principles of Form and Design by Wucius Wong
*Principles of Three-Dimensional Design by Wucius Wong
*Principles of Color Design by Wucius Wong
*Point and Line to Plane by Wassily Kandinsky
*Graphic Design School, Third Edition by David Dabner
*Creativity for Graphic Designers: A Real-World Guide to Idea Generation--From Defining Your Message to Selecting the Best Idea for Your Printed Piece by Mark Oldach
*Designing with Type: The Essential Guide to Typography by James Craig, William Bevington, Irene Korol Scala
***Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines
*Adobe Photoshop CS Classroom in a Book
*Multimedia Concepts, Enhanced Edition Illustrated Introductory
*Photography from 1839 to Today: George Eastman House, Rochester, Ny
*The Complete Film Production Handbook, Third Edition
*The Art of Technique
*In The Blink of an Eye by Murch
*Film Art: An Introduction Seventh Edition by Bordwell Thompson
*A History of Narrative Film by Cook
*The Screenwriter's Bible by Trottier
*Film Directing Shot by Shot by Katz
*$30 Film School by Dean
*The Technique of Film and Video Editing
*Master VISUALLY Dreamweaver 8 and Flash 8
People who don't give up and find another way. People who know when enough is enough and aren't selfish and think about others. People who understand emptiness.