I'm Interested !N CoMen t0 YouR ChurCh nEXt! & Taken trips around the world Rockin for Jesus, and seen people getting change the His power through these turn tables.
No prefeRence. "Music" was made to GloRify HIM.
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Da Emergency Room
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"Passion of the Christ" And "The Grestest Story ever Told" Keep in mine people that those were movies but the HOLY GOST said, They couldn't even reconize Him & Jesus was hung necked (Jn19:34) "they humiliated the son of GOD"...But He allowed it so that "we" would be covered from "our" shame (sin) in frount of HIS/our Father!
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Life of a Gospel Rapper
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66 "books" of the Bible. ...Whats my fav0rite b0ok in the WORD!? HOSEA!! Why?Because.. "When I couldn't c0me to HIM......HE caMe to me!"
The Holy GhoST my hero!
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