Myrkvið profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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My Interests

Ich grüße dich, du einzige Phiole! die ich mit Andacht nun herunterhole, in dir verehr' ich Menschenwitz und Kunst. Du Inbegriff der holden Schlummersäfte, du Auszug aller tödlich feinen Kräfte, erweise deinem Meister deine Gunst! Ich sehe dich, es wird der Schmerz gelindert, ich fasse dich, das Streben wird gemindert, des Geistes Flutstrom ebbet nach und nach. Ins hohe Meer werd' ich hinausgewiesen, die Spiegelflut erglänzt zu meinen Füßen, zu neuen Ufern lockt ein neuer Tag.

I'd like to meet:

People that I have met (in list of importance to me): Jimmie Johnson (current Nascar champion), Jon Nödveidt, Trey Azagthoth, David Vincent, Pete Sandoval, Eric Rutan, Steve Tucker, Grutle Kjellson, Ivar Bjørnson, Glen Benton, Roy Kronheim, Per Husebø (Dirge Rep), Heiko Gerull, Fix, Sharlee D'angelo, Andy La Roque, Hellhammer, Maniac (Sven Erik Kristiansen), Derek Roddy, Jared Anderson, Steve Asheim, Brian and Eric Hoffman, Lord Ahriman, George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, Eric Legion, B. War, Fredrik Andersson, Chuck Billy, Michael Amott, Doug Cerrito, Frank Mullen, Chris Richards, Dave Culross, Karl Sanders, Chief Spires, Pete Hammoura, Dallas Toler-Wade, usw...fuck I will continue this list as it comes to me...check out my photos...People that I would like to meet : Most of the bands from the Thuringian Pagan Metal Scene. Michael Schumacher. Varg Vikernes, Der Wanderer,


Die Musik, die die dunkeln Leidenschaften des Lebens und die Einsamkeit der Existenz ausdrücken kann. Die Musik, die man kampfbereit macht. Musik, die gleichzeitig schön und hässlich sein kann.



Kampfar @ RagnarökConan the Barbarian


Wenn ich was lernen kann.


since Parzifal... in English... Marine Sniper by Charles W. Henderson, The Odessa File by Frederick Forsyth,The Divinci Code by Dan Brown, Norwegian Folktales (Selected from the collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe),Auf Deutsch..., Meine Freie Deutsche Jugend von Claudia Rusch, Österreich- Ein landeskundliches Lesebuch von Jürgen Koppensteiner, Die Verwandlung von Franz Kafka, Die wunderbaren Jahre von Reiner Kunze, Eine blaßblaue Frauenschrift von Franz Werfel, Frühlings Erwachen von Frank Wedekind, Der blonde Eckbert von Ludwig Tieck, Kabale und Liebe von Friedrich Schiller, Faust erster Teil von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Minna von Barnhelm von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,(yippie isn't college fun?)


Richard Wagner Trey Azagthoth Peter Tägtgren Varg Vikerness

My Blog

Meine verlorenen Wagner CDs

04:39Letztes mal, als ich im Deutschland war, hab ich fast alle meine wichtigsten CDs verloren.Die wichtigsten CDs, die ich verloren hab, sheiße...waren meine Wagner CDs. Ich bin nicht reich, eingentl...
Posted by Myrkvið on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 02:02:00 PST

The school lists sucks...Universität Salzburg

I was just trying to add all of my schools...and there is no fucking category for Austria!!!I also have attended the University of Salzburg.
Posted by Myrkvið on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:18:00 PST

To the Austrians...

Ich wollte nur sagen, ich hab Österreich net gehasst.  Ich hab Salzburg gehasst.  Aber ich hab nette Leute auch in Salzburg kennengelernt, aber tagein, tagaus konnte ich kein Metalers finden...
Posted by Myrkvið on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:09:00 PST

My top friends list and why you may not be on it...

This message is for all the people that I stay in contact with who aren't on my top friends list... Ok I feel kind of gay having to explain this here, but i don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt.I ...
Posted by Myrkvið on Tue, 15 May 2007 10:59:00 PST

Some thoughts on my German Panzer background...

Just in case anyone wondered why I have a german Tiger Tank on my background... well, first of all, i should say that I have always been fascinated by modern weapons.  Some of the first books I e...
Posted by Myrkvið on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:21:00 PST

Why I don't have many pictures of Austria...

Just in case anyone was wondering how someone can live in Austria for 4 months and only have 10 pictures of the place...  Well i lost the CD with all my photos on it... i am going to have to stea...
Posted by Myrkvið on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:53:00 PST

Just to prove that drinking is not the only thing i do in germany

I am going to start posting a lot of photos i have made there...  check back soon.
Posted by Myrkvið on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:47:00 PST

Homesick for Bayreuth

Well fuck...I am sitting in America now... Class has started again; for the last two weeks.But something new has been happening to me.  I have been having homesickness like you wouldnt believe.I ...
Posted by Myrkvið on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 12:25:00 PST

Thoughts about what is different in life now.

I am bored, so I though I would just write a few things that I feel after spending 7 months out of my country and coming back. Hmm, I don't know what really to say.  I think I should just say tha...
Posted by Myrkvið on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:31:00 PST

too damn old

I think I am just too damn old! Fuck I keep meeting girls who are like 19 or 20 who are crazy about some pretty good music... I just want to know one thing... WTF were these people in the mid-90's&nbs...
Posted by Myrkvið on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 08:17:00 PST