Let the werd spill thru profile picture

Let the werd spill thru

I am here for Friends

About Me

I like pounding squelchy bass that is forceful enough to make the teacup scuttle off your coffee table and shatter on your precious minty floorboards, creatures, characters, weird pets, meaty bass, London, Madrid, bouncy fresh hip-hop , love in vain, assimilation of terabytes, good solid design, really poor design, Dez Einswell (what a name), the smell of fresh computers, weird people who draw cool shit, dumb fads, dirty culture, guessing puppet's lives, words that are cut up, motoring in the motor machina.
Notable noise-makers:more++++++ BJORK-e, Placebo, Deftones, Goldie, Tricky, The White Stripes, YYY's, tOOl, jel, dose 1, adm, squarepusher, aphex twin, sluG, daft punk, the orb, radiohead, skinny puppy, meat puppets, misfits, dieselboy, AK1200, dj dara, thenotwist&themsleves, kittie, sasha, nick drake, telephone jim jesus(war toy), passage, system of a down, old Korn, seb fontaine, Cibo matto
My World Visitor Map!
squarepusheranticonBjörk "Die Visuelle"placeboDieselbOyHiveQ-bert ..hes teh lil'1RadiohEADDaft pppunk ..TOOLMonotone corrosiveJudge jules
Cinematography:The Ninth Gate, The science of SLeep, Thumbsucker, the VICE guide to travel, Dancer in the Dark, THE Chumscrubber, Mirror Mask, Capote, CLerks 2, Crash, Closer, Crouching Tiger hidden dragon, Gattaca, Art School Confidential, clockwork orange, pi, Donnie Darko, Amelie, The nightmare before christmas, schindler's list, great expectations, party monster, Q-BERT'S Wave twisters, modulations, eTerNal sUNsHINE oF tHe SpoTless MiND, ghost in the shell 2, LoTr,Robin Hood (disney Ver., of course)

My Interests

INTO: people who get bad musiknapa=wOwholy shit, Japan rOx !

I'd like to meet:

--- peeple who know Neat ARTISTS: Michel Gondry, Kathe Kollwitz, Chris Cunningham, Velazquez, Crayola, Van Buuren, basquiat VICES: drawing wombats, french toast , aged queso, large whirling devices, cold rooms, 5 ITEMS I like : speakers with large magnets + physics @ werke, cavernous jungle beats, involuntary muscles, cereal,sharp illustrations happiness is: rain, puppies that die, people that choke, and thick buttery blackberry pancakes {{{{makes me a sAd head:::: people that smile when they aren't happi..tired of "scarface," rapper's faces, eyeball in art,the song "wild thing", overpopulation(it makes our quality of life much less genuine)
movies ~~~~Mirror Mask++++ mono---taxi driverPan's LabyrinthwiLLowghost in the shell IIencino man "blades tonight.."science of sReep!trainspottingcloserrobin hoodthe life aquatic ......:::::::::::::::::: interactive Video~~~~fablemetroid


BJORK in all caps, aphex twin ,ALL anticon label stuff,ltj bukem, Pete Tong, John Digweed, dieselboy, smashing pumpkins, Silverchair, system of a down, Paul Van dyk, Judge Jules, Barwy Kolorow, radiohead, Tool, beck, marilyn, monotone corrosive, portishead


some more_____ Taxi Driver,Willow,the graduate,Invader Zim, Dr. Katz, MR. Show, Pulp Fiction, LIFE AQUATIC royal tenanbaums, rushmore, coffee & ciggarettes, s. park 8th season, you me and everyone we know, modulations, the talented mr. ripley, donnie darko, michel gondry directors dvd


F tv


FAVORITE BOOKS: Creativity and Madness, Soul Mountain(chinese), Einstein's dreams, of mice and men, siddhartha, WHERE the wiLd things are, horton hEars a wHo

This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4

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Ms. wright..stephen Platt..Michel Gondry..Bjork

My Blog

let it Linger

1. Would you marry for money?how much are we talking about here?2. Have you had braces?mhm 3. Could you live without a computer?can u live without Oxygen?!?!?! NO. well actually yea i totally feckin c...
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:29:00 PST

DafffffffffffffffffffffffffffT punK

bought tix to see DAFT PUNK in Berkeley!!  gonna blow my top and go ape ish..gonna jump, dream and spread the lucious vibes.         oh yea..and im gonna see bjor...
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:23:00 PST

+++coachella+++ is gonna (insert great werd here)

I'm planning for the best few days of my pitiful existence. It will be better than all woodstocks combined..better than any rave. Ppl's from far off lands and eccentric creatures for me to chew on. C...
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:26:00 PST

[[[[[white trash here i come]]]]]

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?Lefty 2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?yes, if yew plug yer nose yew aint divin right3) What color is your toothbrush?blue and white sonicare...
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 05:58:00 PST

not american or canadian ^_^

British:[x] You drink a lot of tea[ ] You vote conservative or labour because lib dems wil never get in[x] You know what a brolly is[ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life[ ] You wanted Ben to w...
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:04:00 PST

it's just a mix of equal parts dinosaur

If you could get away with it completely, would you murder someone? carnal natural :::simple urges..yes   When was the last time you had sex... and enjoyed it? tOOOO long   Who pissed you of...
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 04:54:00 PST

willem dafoe..

is the sweetest name Evers ..mhmm
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 09:05:00 PST

aim = echofly13

Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:01:00 PST

we should all be so luki!

today i rolled passed the homeless ppl's hangout..it was earli in the mornin' and as one saw me riding he exclaimed, "All hands on deck"! ...that's a good day.
Posted by Let the werd spill thru on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 04:11:00 PST