INTO: people who get bad musiknapa=wOwholy shit, Japan rOx !
--- peeple who know Neat ARTISTS: Michel Gondry,
Kathe Kollwitz, Chris Cunningham, Velazquez, Crayola, Van Buuren, basquiat VICES: drawing wombats, french toast , aged queso, large whirling devices, cold rooms,
5 ITEMS I like : speakers with large magnets + physics @ werke, cavernous jungle beats, involuntary
muscles, cereal,sharp illustrations
happiness is: rain, puppies that die, people
that choke, and thick buttery blackberry pancakes
{{{{makes me a sAd head:::: people that smile when they aren't happi..tired of "scarface," rapper's faces, eyeball in art,the song "wild thing", overpopulation(it makes our quality of life much less genuine)
movies ~~~~Mirror Mask++++
mono---taxi driverPan's LabyrinthwiLLowghost in the shell IIencino man "blades tonight.."science of sReep!trainspottingcloserrobin hoodthe life aquatic
interactive Video~~~~fablemetroid
BJORK in all caps, aphex twin ,ALL anticon label stuff,ltj bukem, Pete Tong, John Digweed, dieselboy, smashing pumpkins, Silverchair, system of a down, Paul Van dyk, Judge Jules, Barwy Kolorow, radiohead, Tool, beck, marilyn, monotone corrosive, portishead
some more_____ Taxi Driver,Willow,the graduate,Invader Zim, Dr. Katz, MR. Show, Pulp Fiction, LIFE AQUATIC royal tenanbaums, rushmore, coffee & ciggarettes, s. park 8th season, you me and everyone we know, modulations, the talented mr. ripley, donnie darko, michel gondry directors dvd
F tv
FAVORITE BOOKS: Creativity and Madness, Soul Mountain(chinese), Einstein's dreams, of mice and men, siddhartha, WHERE the wiLd things are, horton hEars a wHo
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Ms. wright..stephen Platt..Michel Gondry..Bjork