ryan profile picture


good morning sailor

About Me

My Space Tracking

My Anus Installation @ TULIP

he's magical ..

My Interests

House of T.I.N.A - Theatre - Performance Art - Film - Sign Language - 826 CHI - Interventionists - Butoh - Theatre of the Oppresed - My Karman Ghia Patty - Queer Theory - Socialism - Post Colonial Art/Theory - The Culture Industry - Clowning - Roller Skating - Alternative Family Structures - Devising Collaborative Pieces


=beats= donna summers - patsy cline - the dismemberment plan


=cinema= totally f***ed up - splendor - nowhere - doom generation - mysterious skin - who framed roger rabbit - johns - paris is burning - the dreamers - dancer in the dark - tie me up tie me down - sunset boulevard - rules of attraction - rags to riches (made for t.v. version) - but i'ma cheerleader - battle royale - amelie - tank girl - girls will be girls ...


=tube= ugly betty - popular - dead like me


=pages= La Image Fantome or anything by Herve Guibert, Frantz Fanon's Black Skin/White Mask, Lockpick Pornography, Unrepentant Whore, Nobody Passes, That's Revolting, Undoing Gender, Devising Theatre ...


=idols= Gob Squad - Bjork - Gregg Araki - Forced Entertainment -