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We are all on our way to becoming God.

About Me

dec·a·dence 'de-k&-d&n(t)s also di-'kA- noun Etymology: Middle French, from Medieval Latin decadentia, from Late Latin decadent-, decadens, present participle of decadere to fall, sink -- more at DECAY 1 : the process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent or self-indulgence 2 : a period of decline synonym see DETERIORATION (Webster Dictionary)

My Interests

The following are considered decadent: abnormality (madness, genius), provocation, extravagance, ugliness, infirmity (degeneration), perversion, deviation, passivity, weakness, artificiality, Narcissism…But the list also includes ironic distance which renders things uncertain; aphoristic quizzical paradoxes and uncompromising doubt; critical scepticism; consciousness of the “other”; a demand for a universal validity of aesthetics and a universal quality of differentiating imaginations; sophistication of meaning and expression; architecture of reversions, variations, tone values and nuances; subtlety of stylization and mystification; melancholic illusionism; majestic exclusivity; egotism.Decadence originates through a subjective linking of extremes regarding the content of Naturalism and Symbolism, through a linking of pathology of the body and the spirit of art. The disruptiveness of Decadence is programmatic. Decadence in the visual arts represents the dynamic duality of order and chaos, the painful moment of birth of a new life and new structure. An interest in extreme situations in the course of searching for one’s own identity and the meaning of life is a characteristic of Decadence. Decadence is founding the courage to name the world and life in all its brands and abundance, it was drawn to the possibility of discovering its depth even at price of discovering its horrors and madness. The world full of wars, uprising, revolutions, social conflicts, has to be destroyed, the mirror which helped Perseus to kill Medusa has to be held up for it to see its own face. The illusion of the permanence of ethical principles has to be destroyed or at least changed and the examination of the reverse face of human existence to be continued still deeper.

I'd like to meet:

What do you define as “Decadence”? artists, writers, monsters, Marquis de Sade, mismatched characters, those in the depths of madness, you know the usual bunch ;)


Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against the GrainCharles Baudelaire, Flowers of EvilThomas Mann, Death in Venice: And Seven Other StoriesFriedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake ZarathustraLadislav Klima, The Suffering of Prince SternenhochGerald de Nerval, Aurelia and Other WritingsMarquis de Sade, Justine, Philosophy in Bedroom and Other WritingsLeopold von Sacher-Masoch, "Venus in Furs"Georges Bataille, "The Story of Eye"Octave Mirbeau, "The Torture Garden"Comte de Lautreamont, "Maldoror and the Complete Works of Comte de Lautreamont"Oscar Wilde, "Picture of Dorian Gray"Paul Leppin, "The Road to Darkness"Gustave Flaubert, "Temptation of St Anthony"Alfred Kubin, "The Other Side"Thomas de Quincey, "Confession of an English Opium Eater"Mikhail Artsybashev, "Sanin. A Novel "Paul Veraline, "The Cursed Poets"Stephane Mallarme, "Collected Poems and other Verse"Antonin Artaud, "Heliogabalus": or "The Crowned Anarchist"Gabriele D’Annunzion, "The Book of Virgins"Rachilde, "Monsieur Venus"H. H. Ewers, "Spider"Leonid Andreyev, "Seven who Were Hanged"Theophil Gautier, "Mademoiselle de Maupin"Knut Hamsun, "Hunger"



My Blog

update on the film "13 Ghosts"

by Sean Adamz, starring Analisethe decadent short you don't want to miss ;) here it is as incognito "Pink Skulls" in presentation to youpromise kitties x ...
Posted by Decadence on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:02:00 PST

Two very important upcoming art shows,

you dekadent little Praha fiends should pay attention to:Jan Hisek's knives are useless to the dead opening June 11, 0-8and Gottfried Helnweinopening 6-12-08 showing till 8-31-08the following day. It...
Posted by Decadence on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 09:57:00 PST

A new psychotic decadent film

coming soon.... ...
Posted by Decadence on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

Decadence photos posted from Spring 2007

I posted a few photos, sorry about the lateness. :S If you have any you would like to submit from the show, please send them in and I will post them. Thanks again to everyone.xx~Row
Posted by Decadence on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:50:00 PST


Posted by Decadence on Thu, 03 May 2007 12:00:00 PST