-game -anime -manga -tv movie -acting -make film -elf -animals
artist musician if you are common i probably wouldnt like you. i made this page only because one of my best friends invited me. that fucker.
-nirvana -ex-girl -my chemical romance -dir en grey -puffy amiyumi -ami suzuki -shonen knife -ooioo -i like movie and game soundtracks -utada hikaru -stone sour -fall out boy -incubus -the shins -that snakes on a plane song but im not sure who sings it
-japhorror but I can only watch this with &(;^0)={ that fucker -maybe some anime movie never too old for anime
-prison break -lost -american idol -chappelle's show -music video -sopa opera -many japanese shows
-manga -comic books -magazines -harry potter -lord of rings
-my prince and all our brothers and sisters all over the world