i have alot: first off is women, still don't understand them but can't get enough of 'em. Cars, yea thats a given. my new toy is a 2002 nissan maxima GLE. now that i'm a home owner i'm constantly upgrading or fixing something in my house. I LOVE IT!!!!!I FINALLY GOT MY BIG BRAKE KIT INSTALLED!!!!!! SO FRESH AND SO CLEANDETAIL DAY!!!SMILE FOR ME NOW!Now this car is clean!!! MIRROR IMAGE IN GOOD COMPANY FIRST TATTOO
alot of cool people and single women. :)Maxima.org screenname is Stealthmax26
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Car domain site for more pics of my ride
Of course TUPAC SHAKUR, other rap and R&B, i'm up to give anything a chance, ONCE, if i don't like it i ain't listening to it ever again. XM radio is whats up!!! Tupac Shakur -
i love action movies, sci fi and comedy.
yeah i love me some t.v., history and discovery channel, TLC and just about anything else thats on.
i can't say i don't like to read but i'm a computer nerd so all my reading is manuals for new electronic equipment. :) but i'll pick up a book every now and then
i think i would have to say my parents. if it wern't for them i wouldn't be who i am today. yeah no celebs or historical figures, they didn't raise me so they didn't have any infulence on me. love ya mom and dad. Can't forget tupac