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Aprendamos el valor de la organización, enseñemos también el valor de la rebeldía, y tendremos p

About Me

VicTor JaRa Quotes....“ The cultural invasion is like a leafy tree which prevents us from seeing our own sun, sky and stars. Therefore in order to be able to see the sky above our heads, our task is to cut this tree off at the roots. US imperialism understands very well the magic of communication through music and persists in filling our young people with all sorts of commercial tripe. With professional expertise they have taken certain measures: first, the commercialization of the so-called ‘protest music’; second, the creation of ‘idols’ of protest music who obey the same rules and suffer from the same constraints as the other idols of the consumer music industry – they last a little while and then disappear. Meanwhile they are useful in neutralizing the innate spirit of rebellion of young people. The term ‘protest song’ is no longer valid because it is ambiguous and has been misused. I prefer the term ‘revolutionary song’. ”

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Canticos DeL MANYA

    Xuxa - "Ilarilarile" 1- Es la hora es la hora, es la hora de ganar, ponga huevo carbonero, que tenemos que ganar... Y dale dale dale Pe, Peñarol, y dale dale Pe Peñarol, y dale dal...
Posted by on Thu, 17 May 2007 11:31:00 GMT


Tupamaros, also known as the MLN (Movimiento de Liberación Nacional or National Liberation Movement), was an urban guerrilla organization in Uruguay in the 1960s and 1970s. The MLN is inextricably lin...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:49:00 GMT

Presos Politicos En Uruguay Reciben Jubilacion.. ARRIBA TABAREZ

La Comisión Especial que trabaja en la órbita del MTSS resolvió positivamente 510 casos Ya son 3.800 los ex presos políticos que tramitan derechos jubilatorios En dos meses y medio de trabajo, la Comi...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:41:00 GMT