I think the list of things I am not interested in would be easier………I am not interested in Jay Z and Beyonce getting married, how many children Brad and Angelina have adopted, whether Brittney Spears is a good mom or not or why Lil Wayne didn’t make the $4000 payment on his Bentley!What I would like to know though, is if there are people classified as African American who were born in the US, why is there no classification for European American……..and furthermore for those bi racial folks out there…..what are we? Afriopean Americans, Afrexicanopean Americans, Afriexicanopeandianasian American???? WTF???? Why the fuck can’t we all just be Americans? Or furthermore….why does it matter at all. Sorry….I had a moment! Race Relations is something that really hits home with me…..I know, from experience, that racial acceptance, and lack thereof, is taught. We TEACH our children…………………ok……………never mind……I won’t even do it. Sorry!
I currently have a wonderful assortment of friends…..most are more like family. But, for the newcomers….if you want to join the elite….here are the basics. An all inclusive list can be emailed at your request.1. People with a vocabulary that exceeds the word facetious! I think that must have been the word of the week for the last 35 years! I swear, people who want to sound intelligent will throw that word out and give you this look like…..yeah I am smart…….and then they go and use it incorrectly! 2. People who think that your 0-20 year old using words like(but not limited to) bitch, nigga and hoe is unacceptable! 3. Anyone who thinks my wife is unattractive! I am so sick of people thinking that my life is peaches and then trying to TAKE IT! It’s mine and you can’t have it! 4. People who find it preposterous to have a car with some shiny rims, a banging system, some fly ass J’s and still be living with your mama! 5. And last but not least……Grown folks! Your grown-ness cannot be determined by age alone. I know plenty of grown 23 year olds and plenty of un-grown 50 year olds. If you have questions about whether or not you are grown, ask me.
County is awesome. I am very versatile when it comes to music. I really don’t like being referred to as a bitch or a hoe and being asked to lick a lollipop is slightly offensive (although the beat is quite nice and the lyrics rather catchy) so I do tend to stray away from the rap a bit. My preference is County and R&B, no matter what I am going through, Kenny Chesney, Brian McKnight, Tim McGraw, Ne-Yo or Jaheim have a song that applies.I am mostly old school. Al Green is the best! Teddy P, the Isley Bros (not just Ronald), Atlantic Star, Peabo Bryson, R Kelly, Prince, Intro,………….shit…I could go on for days but I think you get the picture.
I don’t get to see many movies anymore. I can’t even remember the last time I went to a theatre to SEE a movie. I have dropped off my kids several times but to SEE a movie……it’s been a while. I actually think the last time I went was to see House of Wax when I was pregnant with Makayla….she will be 3 in December so…….As far as what I LIKE though, I like suspense. I love to have to think about what’s going on. Gone Baby Gone, the Sixth Sense…..some of my favorite “thinking†movies…..I was once into Horror movies but the older I get, the more disinterested I become. I enjoy blood and guts but demons and spirits….uh uh! NOT FOR ME! If there is a HUMAN killer, I can handle it…anything other than that makes me sleep AWAKE, if you know what I mean! The first Saw movie was cool but like all the others that have multiple sequels, it lost its luster after 2.
I am addicted to several shows. Nip/Tuck is the bomb diggety fresh! From January to March the L Word is where it’s at, immediately followed by The Tudors at the end of March through June. Anything crime scene, crime lab or CRIME related has my instant attention…Snapped and Captured are awesome, they just need to work on some new episodes for me.I spend a whole buncha time watching Spongebob and have grown quite find of the show….so much so that I have caught myself almost laughing a couple of times. Dora is helping me with my Spanish and if all goes well, I should expect to start a job as a bilingual employee soon with a differential for speaking Spanish. Rojo….that’s red! Azul is blue, green in verde and yellow is Amarillo……….I think! She teaches more than that but that’s all I have mastered so far…..WOW WOW Wubbzy has some of the coolest songs ever and Yo Gabba Gabba will help you lose a pound or two….gotta love Nick and Noggin!
Curling up with a good book is something that I haven’t been able to do in quite some time. TIME isn’t something I have a whole lot of but when I had TIME, I was reading daily. I have found that reading is one of the most enriching activities there is. Aside from giving you an escape, it is an excellent way to increase your vocabulary.
This may take a while. Some of the people I will mention may not be heroes, but I certainly admire them:My ultimate HERO.JUDI KAY ORR….RIP (January 25, 1946 – February 23, 2001). For bringing me into this world despite all that having me would mean. For not giving a damn that the family that once loved you would reject you and your dark skinned child, for working 80 hours a week to keep a roof over my head, for slapping the shit out of me on a regular and NOT killing me when I surely deserved it. For raising my children for me by yourself during my “learning experienceâ€. For all that you did to make me who I AM…………………..YOU ARE MY HERO!And when my first hero bowed out, my new hero happily stepped in to take her place. ROSHAWN LAVETTE GUILLORY……..where do I start? There are things that I admire about you that are personal and not be shared here. Those things you are aware of. For the world to know though….you are the very best friend I could ever hope for. You are the best wife I could wish for and for our children, you are the best parent any child could ever dream of. To provide safety, stability and structure for our children, you have taken on more jobs than a Jamaican (inside joke) so that I could stay at home. You have done this without complaint, and without fail. You have been the sole provider for this family for over 4 of the 10 years that we have shared and not once have you EVER even whispered a sigh of disgust or distress. Although we would surely be in a worse financial situation were it not for the numerous jobs (at the same time) that you work, not once have you tallied up the mines versus the yours….You are one of a kind and I love you for all that you do.It’s not often that we express our admiration for our children. But today, for all of myspace to see…..I want to let the world know that my children are the greatest children in the world and they have taught me so much about life and love and about myself.Lance ………..I admire your love of yourself. The love that drives you to be what you want to be, have the friends that you want to have, listen to what you want to listen to…..the love that you have that keeps you from conforming! You are who you are and not ashamed to be different. People have a respect for you that some people your age will never know. You are intelligent, possibly even more so than I am, and you know that’s hard…..you are handsome, hardworking…..you have the world in your hands and I am so proud of you.Briana ……….If there were a kinder soul, I wouldn’t know where to find it. You are one of the sweetest people that I know. You have taught me to accept fault…..that imperfection is not a bad thing…that being wrong is alright. The calls that you make just to say hi when I am away are so important to me. At your age, who wants to talk to their mom……except you? You bring a smile to my face more often than you would ever imagine. You are smart and beautiful and your determination will take you places in life.Desiree……..My naïve child…..you have taught me the beauty of innocence, the magnificence of trust. You have shown me that it’s better to believe the best in your friends than to believe the worst in the world. I have never known a person more willing to trust than you. Your innocent belief is what shows me the beuty in the world. You teach me to be positive and that trusting, even if it’s just a small amount, can make such a difference in life. In you, I see a loving, caring person that the world should feel blessed to know.And my midget, my mini me, my Makayla……a more hardheaded, stubborn, sneaky child…..nah, there isn’t another one anywhere. You have that covered…..but at the same time, there is not another as beautiful and perfect as you. You, at 2, have taught me what love feels like. And more than anything, you have taught me that life is short…really short…I have watched you grow over the last 2 years. From waiting for your cord to fall off to waiting for you to walk, then waiting for you to talk and now waiting for you to be quiet…..you have shown me just how quickly life passes us by and how important each day really is.And a special admiration shout out to Kishea, Nikki…..what ever you call her (Dai’s big sis), you are amazing….you are beautiful and you are YOU. You are who you are and that’s just that. I love your honesty, your humbleness, your positivity …..you are awesome.