Side Issue is one of the upcoming stars of the new school electronic scene in Breda, Netherlands.
He was born as Derrick Otto in 1984 and lost his heart to techno in the mid 90’s listening to pioneers like Green Velvet, Dave Clarke, Technasia and Oliver Bondzio.Although his young age he’s already having a long history in electronic music since he started playing records at the age of twelve!
Nowadays his dedication to music is not only reflected by his DJ sets but also by producing fresh tracks and throwing quality parties.With organizing concepts like Lektrik, Komplekz & Manimal Crackers he’s one of the driving forces behind the booming minimal techno scene in Breda.Side Issue is spending a lot of time to find the most original records to secure his unique minimal techno sound with a touch of jazz.
With producing his own tracks he already attracted the attention of a few international labels; releasing his first record is just a matter of time.Besides his impressive DJ sets, alongside big shots like Robert Hood, Jon Gaiser and Cabanne, now he’s ready to rock the crowds with his ass shaking LIVE set!..