Uh-Oh!!! profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Stop Dreaming Like a Pussy!" -Viking Youth Power Hour.

My name is Marisa. I'm a greek- I like wine and olives and playing around with the mysteries of life :).

My evergrowing new website is Datachurch . Tell me what you think, and/or add your own content.

My Interests

Consciousness Research, Nanotechnology, Burning Man, Biochemical Engineering, Poetry, Electronic Music, The Maya, Music Production, The Archaic Revival, Fringe Science, Math Nerdery, Muuuuuuusssssic.

I'd like to meet:

People who've gone to gatherings and festivals, magicians, scientist, anyone with good info or music for me, people with extensive information about pretty much anything, and streakers! seriously I really want to talk to you.


CAT POWER & BJORK are my favorite all time artists. I love their music dearly. Other than that... :) All good Drumnbass, Speed Garage, Glitch Hop, Dub Step, Ambient, Electro, or Hippie Music I can sink my ears into. Plus: Shpongle, THE POSTAL SERVICE, Cosmic Forces of Mu, Fedde Le Grand, Jefferson Airplane, John B, Modest Mouse, Outkast, Richard James, Bassnectar, Aaron Simpson, Sir Kutz, The Lovevirus, Boards of Canada,


THE PICK OF DESTINY! Fantastic Planet, Make Mine Freedom (1948), Prague Gnosis, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines, Alien Dreamtime, Seeking The Stone, Morphogenetic Field, Hallucinogens and Culture, Time and I Ching, Experiment at Petlauma, The Last Word, Psychedelic Society, Pharmacratic Inquisition, Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled, Super Troopers, Postmodern Prophecy: Urgent Myths for Urgent Times, Free Energy: Nanotechnology Nanotopia,


Adult Swim, South Park, Thundercats, Gummi Bears, X-Men, Sumarai Jack, Transformers, The Simpsons, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show with John Stewart,


Still Life With Woodpecker, The Mayan Factor, The Art of Dreaming, Food of the Gods, True Hallucinations, The Invisible Landscape. Breaking Open the Head, 2012 The Return of Quatzcoatl. Atlas Shrugged, The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathon, The Universe Next Door, The Trick Top Hat, The Homing Pigeon, Prometheus Rising, Blink, Creating Your World the Way You Really Want it to Be, Emotional Intelligence, Freakonomics, Getting to Yes, IBM and the Holocaust, Kyron, Meditations for Manifesting, Philosophy of the Tao, Reefer Madness, Rich Dad's Retire Young Retire Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Art of War, The Book of Secrets, The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, The Power of Now, The Spontaneous Fulfilment of Desire, The Teachings of Don Carlos, The Active Side of Infinity, The Tipping Point, the Virtue of Selfishness, The Wal-Mart Effect, 1984, Another Roadside Attraction, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Eros and Eschaton, History Ends in Green, Candide, Dubliners, Finnegan's Wake, The Teachings of Don Juan, The Flowers of Evil, Howl and Other Poems, Kaddish, Ballad of the Skeletons, Beat Down to Your Soul, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451,


All of my close friends, Terence McKenna, Ayn Rand, Robert Anton Wilson, Carl Jung, Carl Johan Calleman, Ian Lungold, Tom Robbins, Chan Marshall, Outkast, George Noory, Tesla, any people working on fringe sciences, magic, or whatever their craft may be.

My Blog

Deer Attacks Hunter

Check out this link:http://www.ifilm.com/video/2718572?loomia_si=1This film has made me think more than I thought it would the first time I saw it.  Its kinda compelling, kinda goofy, kinda excit...
Posted by Uh-Oh!!! on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 02:23:00 PST


Heres some pics from the Booze Cruise.  Rockstars!  Hands down- best bussride ever.  Post your pics if you have em in the comments section! ...
Posted by Uh-Oh!!! on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:09:00 PST

Help me out with a Digg, my friends

Hi!We just put up datachurch on digg.com, If we can just get around 30 diggs/votes it will go to the front page, if it gets to the front page we will have a flood of traffic. Can you hook me up with a...
Posted by Uh-Oh!!! on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:18:00 PST