THE GOD OF ABRAHAM,ISAAC,& JACOB/THE WAY,THE TRUTH,& THE LIFE-JESUS CHRIST!!!!!Dope Artwerk,Drawing,Skratchin(skratch sessions),Hip-Hop(all elements),Anime,DVDs,HongKongActionMovies(martial arts old and new skool),Bruce Lee,Jet Li,Godzilla(old and new),action figures that have highly detailed craftsmanship,MAC computerz and the big apple displays,elektronik gadgets like the SONY PSP,Medal of Honor .. cause it's fun when other players get angry and talk trash to me, I LUV IT!,anything that inspires me to draw.
I've already met her!!!
CHRISTIAN HIP HOP LIKE MARS ILL & DEEPSPACE 5(no different from the undergound joints except the lyrics are usually GOD conscious, HIP-HOP(underground/independent rap/old skool 80's hip hop)(skratch muzik)TRIP-HOP(Portishead)(DJ SHADOW, DJ KRUSH and any other ill beat maker) R&B(slow jamz only)SADE/MAXWELL
Lord Of The Ringz trilogy/Indiana Jones trilogy
Spider-Man trilogy!!
The BIBLE(book of Daniel,Ezekiel, and book of Revelations in particular)NO OTHER SACRED TEXT ON THE PLANET HAS PROVIDED HISTORICALLY PROVEN PREDICTIONS IN PROPHECY THAN THE BIBLE HAS AND STILL IS! PULLING THRU WITH PROPHECY IS THE ULTIMATE TEST THAT PROVES IT IS DIVINELY FROM GOD!!!! Whether U believe in THE BIBLE or not, U CANNOT disprove the fact that ALL the predictions in The BIBLE have HISTORICALLY and PRECISELY come to fulfillment and are currently bein fullfilled to this day! Time and time again, science and archaeology has proven the claims of the BIBLE to be true! Any book that backs up any biblical claims and prophetic events with facts!
Biblical events foretold concerning the "Latter Days" are actually bein fulfilled in our dayz,sorry for those who don't believe,don't care or know whats goin on!...Events concerning the European Union are amazingly matching what is foretold in the book of Daniel and Revelations............. THIS AIN'T NO JOKE!!! If you want to gain knowledge of these FACTS then click on the "RECOMMENDATION 666" book cover to read the ON LINE BOOK!
"The WORD,the WORD who was with GOD,the WORD who WAS GOD,the WORD who BECAME FLESH !!!...."MY GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, ye shall seek and ye shall find, WHO SHED HIS BLOOD FOR ALL MANKIND!!!