Music/modelling/WWII aeroplanes(FAF),to make you all understand that we supposed to save this place and be kind to each other... Our loved ones would love and like that...
Amppu.Rest in peace my love and best friend... Life must go on, I know... Otherwise you..ll kick my ass in other life afterwards... I love you
Kiss/Kotiteollisuus... without your music and lyrics..olisin jo kuollut tai ainakin kovemmassa krapulassa.../Iron Maiden/Anthrax/Pantera(Rest in Peace Dime)Metallica/Mokoma/Stone/Stamina /and lots and lots more good music... 45 degree woman/ Hybrid Children (There isn..t, and wont be a parade at the end of drain)... Muse/Ladytron/RHCP/Jimi H./Timo Rautiaisen oma musiikki mutta varsinkin kunnioitus kauniisiin ja koskettaviin runoihin by himself mutta varsinkin Eino Leino ja Marja Mattlar... Ja Leinosta varsinkin Niskalaukaussurupukusinkun b-puoli...Kaikki te ystävät harvat ja hyvät...
Das Boot/Tuntematon sotilas/Dead Poets Society/Talvisota/Scent of a woman/
Lost/B5/Battlestation Galactica old&new/Finnish&british humour/
I Lucifer/La Sombra del Viento/Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy trilogy/Love Story/Anything from Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell,Jules Verne,Erich Maria Remarque,Arturo Pérez-Reverte... Anything that touches your soul or makes you laugh or cry... or think
My mother. She gave birth to me and taught me some tenderness and kindness. For twelve years she gave all her love and strenght to my father who had terminal illness, they had been married 20 years before that. I love that woman! And all you mothers out there... Amppu loved and loves Roope... and allways will.And I will love both of them till the rest of my days...