I think I kinda like to dance...haha! Write music, Doing anything that is uplifting and spreads peace and love. Travel Travel Travel around the world, Discovering and learning other cultures and languages. Try to find the most beautiful beaches in the world. I love the sun. Snowboarding, rockclimbing (very new, but brillant).
Cleopatra, James Dean, Martin Luther King, Stella Adler (If they were living), Steven Spielberg, Inspiring Souls
Madonna, Michael Jackson (Quincy Jones era), Biggie Smalls, Billie Holiday, Judy Garland, Coldplay, JT, 80's, Sergio Mendes, Lenny Kravitz, George Michael, Stevie Wonderful, Zero 7, Luke (always need my booty music, 305), Linda Perry
Streetcar Named Desire, Scarface, Westside Story, Singin in the Rain, Anything with Will Ferrell-Gene Kelly-Fred Astaire.
Will & Grace, The Food Network
The Alchemist, Kicking The Big But Syndrome (My Boy Eddie Conner), The Four Agreements
The Familia