Writing comedy, fantasy, and horror; Copyediting and proofreading; Publishing; Mixed Martial Arts; Stand up comedy; Medieval history...I told you I'm a nerd.
Also, crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women. (OK, that last part is What Is Best In Life, by Conan the Barbarian, but that doesn't make it any less poignant.)
Robert Heinlein, Stephen King, George RR Martin, Snake Ghandi (he's just like Regular Ghandi, except evil)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Marvin Gaye, Jurassic 5, Tupac, B.I.G.,Blitz, The Business, The Pist, Anti Heroes, Agnostic Front, Oxymoron, The Band, Cypress Hill, A Tribe Called Quest, Atmosphere, The Spinners, The Commodores, Rage Against the Machine, Face To Face, Bad Religion, Against Me!, Rise Against, The Distillers, Pennywise
In no particular order...40-Year-Old Virgin, American Beauty, American History X, Anchorman, Apocalypse Now, The Aristocrats, Braveheart, The Breaks, Club Dread, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Dogma, Friday, Gladiator, Hero, Kill Bill, Lord of the Rings, Mean Girls, Natural Born Killers, The Princess Bride, Psycho, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, Super Troopers, Tombstone, Toxic Avenger 4 (shamefully), Transformers: the Movie, Unforgiven, Warlock, Willow
Read a book , you retards!
But since my hypocrisy knows no bounds...The Wire, Rescue Me, Brotherhood, Dexter, Rome, Scrubs, documentaries about anything (especially animals eating other animals)
Lord of the Flies, A Song of Ice and Fire, Parable of the Sower, The Stand, Pet Semetary, Salem's Lot, Apt Pupil (I'd read Stephen King's grocery list if he wanted to publish it), Things Fall Apart, A Tale of Two Cities, Dracula, The Sparrow, Starship Troopers, Apocalypse Watch, The Dresden Files, 1984, Animal Farm
Lee Child, Henry Miller, Edgar Allen Poe, Jonathan Kellerman, Jeffrey Deaver, Jim Butcher, John LeCarre, George Orwell
Megatron, Skeletor, Cobra Commander, Mum-Ra, Gargamel, Ghandi. No, just kidding. I hate Ghandi.