kung fu, graff, stencils, records, spinning records, choppin the wax, KNOWLEDGE
I hate stupid people. The ninja himself...(see movies)
HIP HOP(I live for this shit) JUNGLE RASta .. width="425" height="350" ..
Scarface, shaolin temple, style wars, Kill Bill 1&2, Marat/Sade
IS the axis of eViL
"Bomb the Suburbs", Wax Poetics, I Ching, a lot of what the existentialists wrote is pretty cool, sartre in particular. "democracy matters" by cornel west. "one red dot" (a pop-up book). "the immortalist" by andre gide. "paris noir" by tyler stovall. i haven't read the whole thing but "can't stop won't stop" by jeff chang and "chavez: an interview" are both really good. noam chompsky is good. "orientalism" by edward said is pivitol. "the spirit of the tao" is good as well. "fresh friuts".
The family photo. the one and only Master Bruce Lee, Jet Li