FaDiLaH profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a siMpLe GuRL iN a CoMpLiCaTinG WoRLd.. BaSiCaLLy i sPeNt My PaStiMes EaTinG.. I LuV To EaT EsP iTaLiAn food Like PasTa n LaGZnias..UsEd To WeRk PiZzA HuT (No need to explain y i chose to werk there..hehe) EaSy GoiNg.. i DONT Smoke, DrInK oR EvEr WeNt CLuBbInG..TaTZ ALL LaH (I'M a BoRiNg PeRsOn ..HaHa) I'm GoNNa Be 18!!!! Ahakz!! CaNt WaiT!!!

My Interests

ShOppInG, EaTinG and playing Po0L...

I'd like to meet:

HmMm.. i'D LiKe To MeEt CT NURHALIZA... CoZ She'S My iDoL.. HeHe.. AcTuALLy AioNe WHO R NOT LeSbIaNs, RaPiSt, MuDeReR, CrIMiNaLs Or MaD WiLL Do..


ALmOsT ALL i HeAr ExCePt TrAsH Or HeaVy MeTaL


ShE's ALL TaT, GiLa2 PeNgANtiN, aLOnG CaMe PoLLy


HmMm.. NoRmAN HaKIm!!!!!