.:{ripbmx}:. ...BMX, music, hanging out, making fart jokes, being jackasses, eating, chicks, making fun of AD/HD kids, deckin' our our whips, throwing parties, and tons of others.
Anybody that wants to ride. We don't care if you just started or are turning pro, it doesn't matter. As long as we get to ride our damn bikes.
We all have our own styles of music, but we share a lot of the same genres. At any point in time, you could catch one of us listening to genres such as hardcore, screamo, blues, classic rock, oi, ska, punk, rock, alternative, emo, post-hardcore, and many others. The bands we listen to? Well the list would go on and on....Biking and music go hand and hand, so when you talk about one, the other makes itself known, especially when most of us feed off both music and biking equally. Most of us either play instruments, or are friends with local bands in our city...it's just how it is.
Movies? Yeah we watch them...some biking, some inappropriate ones...but yeah, movies are good.
Yeah, we watch the idiot box on a regular basis.
No time to read...got to ride our bikes.
We are our own heroes...we blaze our own trail...we are what we do.