kerrikoreâ„¢ profile picture



About Me

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

whore me

My Train

Trains I'm On
Pixel Perfect
Hardcore Heart Throbs
Doll Massacre
Heartcore Massacre
Ultra Violence
Pokemon Freaks
Brutal Perfectionists
Death Perfection
Flawless Execution
Priceless Perfection
Asfixiated Lust
Nickelodeon Train
Sweet Surrender
Friends for Lovers
Seductive Saints
One Night Stand
Children Of Beauty
Pin up Royalty


Kerrikoreâ„¢ 8k+
Nav. Home. Comments. Friends. Add me. Message Me. Pictures.

Hello there I'm Kerri or Kerrikoreâ„¢, I'm 18. I am from a small little town in Canada, and when I say 'small' I mean 'small'. We have no mall, or movie theater, or prom queens and kings. I really hate how people think that all of Canada is covered in snow the whole's summer for crying out loud what do you think the weather is like here?! I am very proud to be Icelandic and Metis. Don't know what Metis is? Ask me. I'm not perfect and I don't try to be. My hair frizzes in humid weather and I don't always wear tons of make-up. I believe in God, I believe that he is all around me and I always know he'll love me and I know he is taking very good care of katelyn and that she is in a far better place. I LOVE music that rocks, music that pops and music that hops. I couldn't ask for any other family than my own. I know this may sound cheesy but my sister is really one of my bestfriends. I try to look at the bright side of any situation, but i always assume the worst. People say I should be a model,I say otherwise, I would rather be the one snapping shots. I am going to miss walking down the hallway and seeing my friends in school. I like to have fun, and I like to just sit around. I don't smoke and never will. ever, I've never done drugs, I drink but have never been drunk. Why do people get drunk on nights like graduation or birthday you can't remember it in the morning?? i would. I usually never go anywhere without my camera. I plan to do something with my life. Like being a professional photographer, I dream of doing fashion shoots and weddings. Not to brag or anything but i have done a wedding already and family portraits for people. I stare into space alot and i have a hard time keeping my brain on track. I love chocolate, I love ice tea and I love fudgsicles. I almost always read everyones "about me" section on their profiles. I love how different each profile is. I am not your average girl. I am a huge dork, I could play video games all day in my sweat pants and sweater..Games like GH, Marioparty, MarioKart.DoubleDash, Rockband and The Legend of Zelda I honestly love Zelda games <3. I am on the path of growing up. I've done things in my past that sometimes i wish i hadn't, but if they didn't happen i wouldn't be who i am now. I couldn't help falling asleep once or twice in my English class. I love watching the Comedy Network aka "time well wasted" =D. Other shows I like are HannahMontana, Drake and Josh, Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, ICarly, The Simpsons, Friends, Made, America's Best Dance Crew, and So you think you can dance. Movies that I love are Never Been Kissed, Night at the Roxbury, MOULIN ROUGE, Secondhandlions, Who framed roger rabbit, National Treaser, The Fifth Element, Drop Dead Goregous, Sixteen Candles, Airheads and many many more
also. CAUTION: i DO post alot of bullitens
You comment me I will most definetly comment you back, So let's TALK get to know me more.
All the things I wrote in my about me...think of them as conversation starters
ALSO! Please do not comment me asking for a pc4pc or w4w. If I post a bulliten saying so then I will. OR If I see a bulliten that you posted asking for one. alright? Thanks.
If you actually read this and agree with me, or disagree or have a question or even an opinion...let me know. Don't be shy. <3
I want to find a guy who will love me for me. a guy who I'm friends with. a guy who will just hold me, calm me down when I freak out and make me happier when I get sad. a guy who will get along with my friends. a guy who will give me space. a guy who hugs me like he hasn't seen me in a month.a guy who is HILARIOUS <3
whore code
kerrikore 8k+

.. ..


Never Been Kissed
Moulin Rouge
Peter Pan
Night at the Roxbury
The Grudge
Charlie and the Chocolate factory
Austin Powers 1.2.3
Rome and Michelle's Highschool Reunion
War of the Worlds
Sky High
Shrek 1&2
Perfect Man
The Incredibles
The Longest Yard
Emperor's New Groove
Brothers Grimm
Raise your Voice
Local Boys
The 40-year-old Virgin
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
The Chronicles of Narnia
13 going on 30
Detroit Rock City
Independance Day
Men in Black I&II
When Mars Attacks
Chasing Liberty
Sweet Home Alabama
Napolean Dynamite
Encino Man
Rush Hour 2
Open season
School for Scoundrels
Empire Records


Picture of the Week
Taken by ME


Layout made by xCassieAutopsy.â„¢x


is my hero b/c she is so cool, and she knows it. She is so real. What you see is what you get. I love Meg to death, every moment with her is special. =]
is my hero b/c you almost never see her without a smile on her face. It makes me happy to know that this cheerful person is always there for me =]
is my hero b/c she dares to be different. She doesn't care what people think. I admire her alot. =]
is my hero b/c she has the confidence to be loud and outgoing. No moment with her is ever boring. She's always got a story. aha =]
is my hero b/c he is so strong. He's a one man army. He can do anything when he really wants it and sets his mind to it. I wish I was half as strong as him =]
is my hero b/c he is so smart. One day he's going to be somebody. Somebody people will look up to and admire, like I already do. 10 years from now I hope you still remember me =]
Laura-is my hero b/c no matter what the weather is like it's always sunny around Laura. She makes people feel happy when shes around. She always makes me smile =]

My Blog


Here are some of my pictures that I have taken.       more to come......
Posted by kerrikore.xo[BP][DP][CB] on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:53:00 PST


Loveis like a flower. It bloomsIt growsIt's beautifulthen. as time rolls on.and nothing seems right. It flakesIt whithersIt dies...
Posted by kerrikore.xo[BP][DP][CB] on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 06:26:00 PST

Kerri & Megz*Ta convo

>Megz. .poor little tin man, still swinging his axe. says: kerri >Megz. .poor little tin man, still swinging his axe. says: guess what -_-Kerri-_- ^||||^_There's the RIGHT way | Then there's MY way...
Posted by kerrikore.xo[BP][DP][CB] on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 06:18:00 PST

Me & Dakota convo

Dig Up Her Bones says: omg -_-Kerri-_- ^||||^_There's the RIGHT way | Then there's MY way=]]_^||||^ [...You LIE through your TEETH...] says: what Dig Up Her Bones says: i thought i was gonna go in...
Posted by kerrikore.xo[BP][DP][CB] on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 08:19:00 PST

So what do Canadians have to be proud of??

SO, WHAT DO CANADIANS HAVE TO BE PROUD OF? 1. Smarties. 2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp. 3. The size of our footballs fields and one less down. 4. Baseball is Canadian. 5. Lacrosse is Canadian. 6...
Posted by kerrikore.xo[BP][DP][CB] on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 02:41:00 PST

ok so..i have no idea what a blog is lol!! was pretty good...went to town..went to the friendship center..the darn computers weren't working...well they were working..jst not the way i wante...
Posted by kerrikore.xo[BP][DP][CB] on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 07:09:00 PST