Where do i start, i just retired from my job, that i have grown to hate. The last year has been hell. Since the last couple of months, i have found out many things. Who are my friends and who arent. I have been through a lot of experiences in this last year. Well again things they are changing just like very other thing in life. Doesnt matter if its fair or not. So many people look for one thing and get another. As we all do in life, we all want the end result. To be wanted, loved, able to take on the world. Anyone can say if i was happy, if i had money, if i didnt have this problem or this problem. If you look at it, we all just want to be wanted. Doesnt life just suck sometimes. All life is about wants and needs. Needs are things we need to have, and wants we can live out with. The funny thing about that is we need the one thing we want. A smile in the mooring, i miss you, a warm huge, the spirt to keep going on with what we hold dear to ourselfs.... Isnt life grand. Its what we do to change the people around us, and its those that dont take that chance that are just here wanting.
What Type of Fruit Are You?
What fruit best matches your personality? Are you a goofy banana? A tangy lemon? Take this quiz to find your fruit.