sports, outdoors, watching movies, decorating, shopping, eating food that is so good it melts in your mouth...and I am trying to make the gym one
Annie Oakley, Lady Bird Johnson, Jesus, Paul (my hero, not that Jesus isn't the ultimate hero), Jill Paquette, Vin Diesel, Heath Ledger....and if you know me, you know I love talking with anyone, anywhere, anytime, and anyplace.
OK. I am known by my co-workers and friends as the girl that doesn't know anything about music. Sorry...I'm working on it. I love JJ Heller, Coldplay, Derek Webb, Kendall Payne, Lauren McCuistion, Norah Jones...the rest I am still discovering.
I love movies!! You are going to gasp, but I don't watch TV...I have bunny ears and get two stations...all I do is watch movies when I have down time....which is never :)
Reading Now: God Chasers, Tenney; The Tipping Point, Gladwell
Faves: Grace Walk, Steve McVey; Lisa Bevere; Celebration of Discipline, Foster; Donald Miller; John C. Maxwell....and any magazines on decorating
My Dad. The best man I have ever known! who died March 4, 2002.