Eu interesso-me por diversos estilos de música, desde que sejam realizados com inteligência. Gosto de pintar a óleo sobre tela, principalmente em temáticas surrealistas. Os meus pintores favoritos são: Salvador Dali; Van Gogh; Helnwein; Lucian Freud; Munch; James Ensor; Bosch; Giger; Egon Schiele; Bacon; etc. Gosto de ler sobre filosofia, religião, psicologia, arte, ciência, etc. /I interested myself for diverses styles of music, as long as they’re carried through with intelligence. I like to paint in oil on canvas, mainly in thematics surrealists. My favourites painters are: Salvador DalÃ; Van Gogh; Helnwein; Lucian Freud; Munch; James Ensor; Bosch; Giger; Egon Schiele; Bacon; etc. I like to read about philosophy, religion, psychology, art, science, etc.
Gostaria de conhecer pessoas que no mÃnimo tivessem alguns interesses em comum comigo. /I'd like to meet people that at least had some interests in common with me.
Opeth; ELO; Nox Arcana; Mozart; Franz Liszt; Shape of Despair; Agalloch; Brian Eno; Doors; Mr. Bungle; Liquid Tension Experiment; Moonspell; Pink Floyd; John Lennon; Satyricon; Tom Waits; Manowar; Sopor Aeternus; Madredeus; Carlos Paredes; Épica; Nightwish; Within Temptation; Therion; Theatre of Tragedy; The Gathering; Arch Enemy; Otep; Marilyn Manson; Marduk; My Dying Bride; Children of Bodom; Scarling; Queens of The Stone Age; Sepultura; Rob Zombie; Rammstein; System Of A Down; Slayer; Babes in Toy Land; L7; Frank Zappa; Black Sabbath; Yes; Plasmatics; ApocalÃptica; Radiohead; Godsmack; Disturbed; I also like psychedelic trance, etc.Frank Zappa On Acid
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oProfileConfirm&videoid=1176055075&..Frank Zappa On Acid"
Puce Moment; Blue Velvet; Burning Moon; Nekromantik; Braindead; American Psycho; All the frenches are whores; The Hours; The Eye; Amityville; May; The Fog; Instinto Fatal; Na pele do lobo; King Kong; A Ilha; Profundo Azul; Temporada de Patos; Nada a esconder; O pianista; etc.
Jean Meslier(Post Mortem); Aleister Crowley; Anton LaVey; Nietzsche