Pro Evo.
Adult cinema.
Mussolini's views on woman. "Intellectual women are a monstosity."
Basil Pett. Although he is deceased.
Someone who can talk more than me.
Two words. Jason. Mraz.
Ben Lee - Catch My Disease...
...although I don't think he means aids.
Devils Advocate, Napolean Dynomite, Anchorman, About a Boy, Fight Club, Lawndogs, Man on Fire, American Beauty, American Psycho, Rules of Attraction, Vanilla Sky, Zoolander, V for Vendetta, True Lies, Dodgeball, Breakfast Club, Happy Gilmore, Sin City.
Hustle, Mitchell and Webb, Office, Family Guy, American Dad, late night Channel 5.
Ones about law and philosophy. If the Mr. Pett Quote Log Book or the Hooper Diaries were ever published they would definitely be a top read. The new book enititled 'Lizzie's Antics of Filth' is War and Peace in the making. The Times described it as, "a wonderful insight into the mind of a teenage girl who harbours regressed sexual feelings for her(much)older history teacher."
Cannot wait until Rebecca Edsall's historical love novel is published. Should be a right laugh.
Andrew Pett ("Old rag head, what's his name?" The forever politically incorrect AMP dicusses Osama with his economics class.)
Basil Pett (dentist who liked exploiting rich sheikhs and would have quite liked to have exploited Sian Lloyd. Apparently. Greatest moment - producing Andrew Pett from his loins.)(R.I.P).
Mr. Teddy Hooper (Receives hilarious text messages in history from 'Jeff' concerning his recreational activities.)
P. Van Went (This man is RBCS in a nutshell.)
Richard Bartlett Tranter (economist and ex-model of cricket leisure wear in his prime.
Takes a keen interest in peoples bodily functions.)
Dr. Magill (The nearest rival to Jackinory for story telling.)
Madame Elizabeth Tearle (Bears a striking resemblance to adult movie star Vicky Vette. Also acts like her.)
The Amigo's (Two words. Backdoor. Banter.)
Chris French (His voice is silk in oral form.)
The Chinese Lady In Q Bar (Hangs in there practically every night with a pint trying to pick up innocent paralytic young stallions. Once tried to molest Frenchy on the way to the toilet. Fact)