Meeting new friends, Games in the internet, and new files about Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings.
People with definite personality. Simple but grovling with attitude. Friendly yet obscure in their depth. Truthful in their words. Those who person who can make me laugh and cry at the same time! Those with own unique attitude towards their problem and can easily get along with!
I'd kinda like music that is soothing my nerves like acoustic and mellow but I also like almost all kinds.
Anything that is cool like the Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter abcourse. Something that introduces new sets of words coz Im a freak when it comes to vodo! If you know what I mean!
I like reality shows like the CSI and Fear Factor! Especially Amazing Race and Survivor series! But most of the time I really love watching anime in which Getbackers for me is the best!!!
Harry Potter series and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy including the prelude The Hobbits!
I do like the Justice League especially the Flash and the Dark Crusader!