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********************************************************Just wanted to update everyone on my life. I quit smoking a few months ago and am now starting to run again. My goal? To be able to get back to former fitness level and to break my PR in the 5K and 1 mile. That will be difficult as I was in pretty good shape and pretty fast in high school. But I think I can get back to that kind of shape.. 14 years of smokeing may have set me back a bit but I am going to try. Other than my current news. I am married, I have two kids, Kelsey who is 11 going on 20 and Tyler who is 5 about to turn 6. I love to work on cars and play Golf. I also operate a very successful website dedicated to Carburated Ford automobiles. Mostly Mustangs but any Ford powered vehicle is welcome. The website is located at CarbdFord.ComI currently work in the IT department for one of the largest gas processing and refining companies in the world. Its not flashy but it pays the bills. We recently bought a house that we really love with a large yard and its nice and quite out front so the kids can play and we dont have to worry about them getting run over. Dont live in the country though and dont want to. If I cant run to the convenience store at 1 am and get back quickly then I am too far out.I was born in Tulsa Oklahoma, started school at Audobon Elementry which was part of Tulsa public schools before they closed that site down for many years. I then went to Union here in Tulsa from 6th grade till 9th grade (took 8th grade twice because it was so much fun). Then after that we moved to St. Charles Missouri which is a suburb of St. Louis. I really liked it there and did a lot of my growing up in that area and made a lot of friends in the process. I miss them a lot and really wish I could have stayed and made those friendships life long but my family moved back to Tulsa and I went with them. I attended a few colleges but that didnt really work out. But no matter, in my line of work a degree doesnt do much for you. Not as much as Microsoft Certifications will and I have a couple of those along with some HP, Dell and others so I just consider college a life experience but nothing that can really help me in the job market.I got married on Friday Oct 13th in the year 2000. It was a full moon on top of that. We were pushing our luck a bit dont you think? Well either way it worked out great and my wife is great, the kids are great and life couldnt get much better. Unless someone wants to drop some cash in my lap. Thats ok as well.. lol..All I can say is live by these 3 rules and you can't go wrong.1. Take anything that is free. Anything.. 2. Never play cards with anyone whose first name is also a major City. 3. And you can never have too much money or too many cars.

My Interests

Any fast Domestic car. Cant stand Ricers though. I use to play a lot of golf in high school but have barely played in the last 15 years until last summer when I started up again. Its hard but fun. I love it. I also enjoy watching Nascar.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Mark Martin. I am a big nascar fan and Mark seems to be a class act and someone I would love to meet and hang out with.


I listen mostly to Country and 80's-90's music along with plenty of sports radio. My Mix CD's are usually ones that only I would listen to because they run the spectrum from country to 80's rap to rock to whatever.


Days of Thunder, The Matrix 1-3, Star Wars, Second Hand Lions, Major League, Tin Cup, For the Love of the Game, Any Sci-Fi movie and any Sports Movie. I like movies. I will watch just about anything.


Lost, Prison Break, Any Star Trek Series, Battle Star Galactica, Stargate, Big Break.


uhh.. How about magazines instead like Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords and 5.0 Mustangs and Fast Fords.


Mark Martin, Michael Jordan and My Parents.

My Blog


IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not ...
Posted by Brent on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 11:27:00 PST