REQUIREMENTS TO SHOP AT BURNLOUNGE:1). A Pentium III or higher processor
2). Speakers and/or headphones
3). Windows XP operating system
4). Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher with pop-up blocker set to medium or low
5). Microsoft Windows Media Player 10
6). Internet Connection
7). Register as a customer at BurnLounge
HOW TO REGISTER: 1). Go to: 2). Click REGISTER located at top right corner. 3). Choose BUY MUSIC & again cclick REGISTER underneath it. 4). Accept terms of use, & fill out account & billing information. 5). Welcome to BurnLounge! Clicking the BUY MUSIC button will take you to the store & automatically log you in.HOW TO LOGIN:1). Go to 2). Click LOGIN 3). Enter the username & password you selected upon registration 4). If the login box displays your username, you are ready to shop.
BURNLOUNGE LICENSING:PROCEDURE FOR MAKING (YOUR BAND) MUSIC AVAILABLE FOR SALE ON BURNLOUNGE.1). Download the BurnLounge License Request Form, available in the Forums section of the BurnLounge B.M.S. Resource Center.2). Send the request form with the CD of your music to the BurnLounge A&R department at: BurnLounge, 304 Hudson Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10013, Attn:License Request. (Labels with large numbers of titles DO NOT need to submit copies of their music with the License Request Form).3). In a few weeks, a license agreement will be sent to you via e-mail.4). Sign the license agreement and send it to the address listed in the agreement.
MATERIAL SUBMITTED:Content should be submitted to BurnLounge on a standard CD containing AIFF files. Make sure to include all artwork such as the inserts from a standard CD jewel case, or the files thereof. img src=" if" alt=
CONTENT WILL BE ENTERED INTO BURNLOUNGE:Once BurnLounge recieves the signed license agreement and the content is physically in-house, it take no longer than 2 weeks for the material to become available to our retailers.
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