Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava profile picture

Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava

R.I.P. Baby Bonnie - Praying For All Our Furriends

About Me

God Created The Land,
God Created The Sea,
God Needed a Princess,
So He Created Me.
*Summer & Misha Sabrina*
Sorry guys, We're taken.
Summer ♥ Sammy!
Misha Sabrina ♥ Oreo!
My Name is Summer,
I'm an 9 yr old Orange
Tabby Fur Babe Diva
I'm pampered & spoiled by
my meowmy AquaKittyKat
She loves me sooo very much!
I'm so blessed to own her!
Sometimes I'm a good gurl,
Sometimes I'm a bad gurl.
I'm mostly nice, if I'm not
in one of my hissy Diva moods.
My grandma & auntie say
I'm starting to look alot like
my meowmy, but I think she is
the one that is starting to look
alot like me...LOL
*My Honey Sammy*
I Love Him
Look We Have The Same Froggy!
A Lovely Gift From My Furriend Guapo!
*Misha Sabrina*
I'm Misha Sabrina,
I'm a gorgeous Calico Cat.
Summer's new sister,
As of 12/20/2006.
When my original owner passed away
I ended up homeless.
I was rescued by a kind Doctor
and his wife.
I was spayed & treated very well
by them, but they were unabled to
keep me due to their doggies.
I was staying at his office until
a good home was found for me.
Now I have a meowmy who loves me
and takes very good care of me.
I'm so happy in my new home.
I'm a bit shy, but extremely
lovable & sweet with humans.
I love to cuddle & nap on
warm laps.
I love my sister,
but we are having a bit
of a problem getting along.
I'm not too friendly with other cats.
We hiss & run after eachother,
mom thinks we want to fight, but
all we really want to do is play.
Hopefully soon we'll get along
better. Summer is such a Diva,
I'm more of the Gansta type.
but in a cute playful way...MOL!
Run Summer, Run!
I'm coming after you!
My Honey Oreo
I Love You Oreo!

My Interests

Please Sign & Add Yourself
To Our Guestbook, Thank You.

Enter Your Site!

We Love Our Mommy
She Is The Bestest!

We Love Our Human Family,
Our Boyfurriends Sammy & Oreo,
Our Feline Cousins Nas, Mariah,
Onyx & Knuckles

We LOVE All of Our MySpace Furriends!

OMG! I Especially LOVE:
Whiska Temptations Treats
Cat Food
Whisker Lickin's
Toys & Tuna!

But Most Importantly:

I'd like to meet:


Other Felines, Canines or Furbabies
of any kind on My Space.

Also Hello Kitty, Garfield, Tigger, Felix the Cat,
Morris, Top Cat, Josie & The Pussycats.

"Friends Only"

S Spiritual

U Useful
M Mystical
M Mischievous
E Enjoyable
R Respectable

M Misunderstood
I Industrious
S Sensitive
H Healthy
A Altruistic

S Sultry
A Altruistic
B Brutal
R Realistic
I Influential
N Normal
A Altruistic
Name / Username:

You Are ALL Our TOP Furriends!!!


Anything my mommy listens to


The Lion King
Milo & Otis
Harry & Tonto
Cat In The Hat
Cats & Dogs
Cats Eyes
Darn Cat
8 Below
Lady & The Tramp


Animal Planet
Meerkat Manor
Mickey Mouse
Tom & Jerry
Felix The Cat


Cat Psychology Books
Cat Fancy Magazine


*Our Beautiful BFF Yenna*
She Is Brave, Strong & Courageous
*R.I.P. Baxter*
You Fought Till The End
You Inspired Us All
*Our Brother Sunny*
His Everlasting Love
Will Always Be With Us
Never Forgotten

This woman is walking the World
for Breast Cancer. Please pass her
on so that she can reach her
destination. Say a prayer for
all those who are affected by
this terrible disease. She's walking
around the world - via myspace !

Pass it on so she can get there!
Please Copy The Code Below:
(you can even post it on your page)
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
Click here to post this on your page or 'blog

My Blog

*Where Is Summer?*

Ok...we had so much funplaying this game with othersnow is ur turn to guess Where Is Summer?Thanx MPP1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do You Know???Do You Really Want To Know???Ok Read Down''''''''''''''''''''...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:17:00 PST

*Thank You Furriends*

I want to thank all my dear furriends for all the beautiful birthday comments, wishes & lubbs!You're the bestestfurriends ever!I especially want to thank my BFF's Sylvia & Spritefor throwing m...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:42:00 PST

*Congrats Peanut Puff & Sug@r*

Our Dear Furriends Peanut Puff & Sug@rGot Married Today!YAY!!!*Best Wishes*...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:02:00 PST

*Kitty Survey* (Thanx Taylor)

  Everything you wanted to know about:   *Summer*   A CAT QUIZ    1. Are you wearing a collar? Yes   2. What color is it? It's pink with my name in rhinestones. Rhines...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 04:42:00 PST

QUESTIONS (Thanx Master Pumpkin Pie)

1. What is your name?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you think I'm attractive? 5.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.6. Describe me in one word.7. What was y...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:02:00 PST

*Cat Diary*

Cat Diary               MONDAY - My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forc...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:10:00 PST

"The Cat And The Moon"

"The Cat And The Moon" "THE cat went here and there And the moon spun round like a top, And the nearest kin of the moon, The creeping cat, looked up. Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon, ...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:41:00 PST

I've Been Tagged by: Sammy!

Here are the rules:You have been tagged. Now you have to tell six odd (or not so odd) facts about yourself and select six of your friends to do the same. Once you post your six facts in a blog, choose...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 07:27:00 PST

How Old Are You?

I'm 8 in cat years = 48 in human years.How old are you?CAT HUMAN CAT HUMAN 6 months12 years--13 years 67 years 1 year16 years--14 years 70 years 2 years24 years--15 years 72 years 3 years28 y...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:06:00 PST

*Laws of Cats*

Laws of Cats1 - Law of Cat InertiaA cat at rest will tend to remain at rest, unless acted upon by some outside force - such as the opening of cat food, or a nearby scurrying mouse.2 - Law of Cat M...
Posted by Summer & Misha Sabrina - R.I.P. BFF Ava on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 08:55:00 PST