playin football,liverpool fc,raveing,keepin fit,and my music,films.
I'd like to meet:
Since iam a big liverpool football fan like to meet even more liverpool fans who love their team as much as me and i surpose sum1 like Steven gerrard coz ive got nough respect 4 the guy,also people like mohammed ali,robert de niro,and chris tucker and bernic mac coz them guys are so funny.woman wise where do i start 2 many 2 mention but i keep it short id say sum1 like halle bery not just because she is damn fine but becoz she can act really gud as well,also kelly brook but i cant think of ne ova reason 4 her except shes fine as well. Liverpool FC - Champions of Europe 2005
gerrard v west ham (liverpool FA Cup final 2006)
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hip hop,r&b,bashment,grime,old school gararge,bit of funky house.
comedy wise id say friday wit ice cube and chris tucker nough jokes still laugh thru dat film even now,ova films id say the saw films,certain rocky films,casino,seven,and the star wars films b4 the new shitty ones theres 2 many ova films 2 mention. Comedy Jam with Chris Tucker
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love up the simpsons and my wife and kids even if iam in a mood them 2 shows always cheer me up without fail love it.
dont really get time 2 read books.
stevie gerrard,mohammed ali,robert de niro,eddie murphy esp when he was funny.