Pink Floyd- Comfnumb is the only way to be.Story of my life. I love 80's n 90's rock n hair bands as u little ones like to call them (; Concerts rule- last oneS wERE The Machine with Ryan- my 21 yr old QUEENSRYCHE with Ryan and Corey-Styx/Foregiener--depeche mode . oooo yeah!Def Leppard-Journey----ozzzzzzzy - what memories they bring back (; AND SAW queensryche AGAIN LAST sept- OH BABY- WAS THAT THE BEST OR WHAT??? BETTER THAN SEX!!!! DID I JUST SAY THAT???????????????????????????????????????? SHIZA- MUSTA JUST BEEN THAT DAY (;
I love the "other world" the other world loves me-does anyone else?If u don't then u r losing out.
anyone who is as crzay as I am -
Queensryche rules the world cause we live in an OPERATION MINDCRIME- because there's an underground revolution working over time! Lady wore black see the years thru the tears in her eyes. 25 buck a fuck and John's a happy man- she wipes the filth away and is back on the streets a-gainnnnnnn spreading the disease- everybody needs but noone wants to see.Till sister comes to wash my sins away.Is there anybody listening?Dr. Blair Dr. Blair- Dr. Jay Hamilton.Hello? Hello?? Perhaps you need another shot. Def Leppard follows.Seen Ozzy a couple of times. Cinderella-Dokken- Lynch Mob-Lillian Axe-Vinnie Vincent-Hurricaine- Winger- Bon Jovi-omg there are so many!- u see cause all of the bands from the late 80's n early 90's ruled- they all played their own music- wrote their own music, played their asses off n rocked n rolled!!Audioslave-Classic REAL ROCK N ROLL N METAL-80's n 90's metal n hair bands RULE!!!!!STILL! Dream Theatre,Contraband,Fate's Warning, TNT-some of the best bands that some -most of u have never even heard of- u r losing out. and I won't bother listing the rest of the bands you have never even heard of- LOL!Wouldn't wanna bore ya.But I will anyway-AC/DC-Vinnie Vincent-American Angel-STP- Incubus-Ozzy-Van Halen-Pink Floyd-Motley Crue-Def Lep-Led Zep (;-Radiohead, Our Lady Peace-Fate's Warning-Slaughter-Queen---ok more when my brain isn't so fecking fried!!Styx,Foreigner,Journey-oh shut up! you know they r great! The Eagles- damn there are alot more. I AM COMFORTABLY FUCKING NUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hey you out there in the cold getting lonely getting old can u touch me?Us and them and in the end we're only ordinary men.When I was a child- I had a fever- my hands felt just like 2 balloons- now I've got that feeling once again-I can't explain you would not understand this is not how I ammmmmmmmmmmmmNew other fav-HIM-when love n death embraceSAW DEF LEP TOO (:
Interview with THE Vampire (;- Night at the Roxbury-LMFAO- The Fifth Element- Constantine- Twelve Monkeys- Vanilla Sky- Gladiator- Meet Joe Black- Hideaway- Somewhere in Time- In Dreams- White Chicks- Wuthering Heights- Wizard of Oz- Sound of Music- Hellraiser-all of em The Notebook- nAPOLEAN dYNAMITE- CAUSE I GOT SKILLS- Friday the 13th,14th,15th,16th,17th,18th,19th,20th..................... JUST KIDDING!
Most Haunted-me-my friend Trish played with paint shop on this one (: lol- I like it-alot (:
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