Really specifically speaking? Frocks. And coats. And frock coats. And pubs. With snugs. Victoriana. Things for the home made from chrome. Mini-breaks. Maxi- DVD sets. The misunderstood work of the unfunny comedian Paul Kaye (nb: not to be confused with Peter Kaye or Phil Kay. Or indeed...Finlay Quaye). The words oeuvre and hokum, although in fairness their novelty's worn off since I added them in. Rrrreally labouring jokes is still a favourite thing - and also rolling my rs.Conversely, I'm not at all interested in Sarah Jessica Parker.
Again, specifically speaking? Well Derren Brown seems nice. If there's a choice.I'm also imagining Jerry Sadowitz would be fun.So extra people. Of quality. Within reason. Preferably ones who can do card tricks. Oh and obviously any minor celebrities who can cook a Christmas lunch.Marvellous.The end.
Everything. Except ska. Not good. You want names again I suppose? *Sigh* Okay, well, Sinatra, Rat Pack, John Cale, Iggy Pop, The Stooges... Iggy and The Stooges (!), The Cramps, Spiritualized, Zodiac Mindwarp, Busted, Billie Holiday, Polly Harvey, M Ward, Jon Spencer, Rufus Wainwright, Beck, Jane's Addiction, Idlewild, Leonard Cohen, Patti Smith, The Cult, Sonic Boom, Adam and The Ants, Baby Bird, Damien Rice, The Music, Interpol, The Killers, Grinderman, Nick Cave and indeed all his Bad Seeds, Stone fookin' Roses...all my mates' bands (even the bad ones who play too often and take advantage of my good will. Bless you sweet people.)
Amadeus, The Proposition, There Will Be Blood, Godfather II, From Here To Eternity (quicker: all Frank Sinatra films), Goodfellas, The Mask, Abigail's Party, Romeo and Juliet (Baz version), Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Star Wars IV-VI, Clash Of the Titans, Martha Meet..., Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, Grosse Point Blank, Gladiator.Essentially we're talking anything with sand and sandals, or guns and swearing really.Or rabbits.
Aaaaall Chris Morris in every guise and format, Alan Partridge, League Of Gents, Black Books, The Sopranos, Rescue Me, Saturday Kitchen, Flight Of The Conchords, The Office, Futurama, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Doctor Who, Dear, *dear* Derren Brown. Maybe not The Office actually. Although?QI! Ahhh. QI.Oh! Oh! And anything that TV's funnyman Charlie Skelton has written. And I say that out of pure, blind loyalty.The stuff he writes with me about cats is actually much better. And very televisual. Which has largely gone unnoticed.
Everything. Except - boo hoo - Virginia Woolf... Highlights are helpful I suppose: Bukowski, Fante, Pinter, Beckett, almost all biographies but particularly ones of '50s film cads, Tolstoy...all Russians. Most Victorians. No Augustans.
No one should have heroes. Apart from Iggy. And Frank... Haven't we covered this?