the cotton jones basket ride profile picture

the cotton jones basket ride

velvet moons of blue i've been movin' through

About Me

Born on a ship during the 1984 Baseball World Series between the San Diego Padres & the Detroit Tigers. Sleeps in a Peachtone cabin in the woods of Western Maryland, between a Captain Beefheart poster, and dog named, the loan officer. Has a nasty cough, and eye sight a bit less sharp than when he was 12. Finished a collection of songs : Paranoid Cocoon. Plays those same songs on stage with friends. 
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


Member Since: 4/1/2005
Influences: Booking Contact : Seth Fein @ Nicodemus
[email protected]
Record Label: Quite Scientific
Type of Label: Indie