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My Interests

Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, going out, camping, and monday night football games.

I'd like to meet:

Angelina Jolee!! No one can say, that chick is not hot.


Some of the Band that I listen the most are; Pennywise, Rancid, Unwrittenlaw, Mellincolin, AFI, Social "D", Slightly Stupid, Jack Johnson OH and Kenny Chesneys "She Thinks My Tractors Sexy"


Huge Edward Norton, Johnny Depp, Val kilmer and Quentin Tarantino fan, but I'll watch any movie with Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler or Keira Knightley.


Don't really have one, but I think James Dean put it the best"Dream as though you'll live Forever; Live as though you'll die today"