Occasionally Chemical Driven....
|access.log.deleted.within.48.hours|* scRooGle.poWer *
. .I am very outgoing so anyone who can keep my interest. .
.!!..fOr.moRe.inFo.go.heRe- ^*^ ..!!.
Experimental, if it doesn't work goto bottom of my displayed comments..Thanx..
Lot's of electronic, experimental noise, hardcore, Gabber, Goa, Trance, Drum-n-Bass, Marilyn Manson, Bjork, Luv Hard+Trance,some oldskool goth and punk...........(..:.cHeck:oUt:mY:nOisE.:..)
American Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, ...
porn,horror, *serial.killer* ~{jOin.*seRiaL.kiLleR*.gRouP} .4.inVitE.seNd. seRialkiLler .in.suBjeCt.{meSsaGe.mE}.
William Burroughs, Brett Easton Ellis, and many more..
. . nEw.meRch.coMinG.soOn . .
_Contact_ @ 917.677.3153
_AIM_ @ sickestpuppy
huSh @ sickpuppy {encRypteD cHat (-~ huSh soMe.fuN.stuFf ~|
{eRaseR} a+ ..eraSe.uR.traCks' dOd.etc..
{rOcketDock} a 'maC.doCk.laUncheR'
{meConsoLe} a++ 'SsH/TelNet/CmD.cOnsolE'