music, lots of music; asking "why?"; trying to figure it all out; not being able to sleep; long boards and salty water; scrabble; people watching; art; painting; playing; laughing; screaming at strangers; accidentally long bike rides; wearing pants with skirts, watching people grow and change; my family; my amazing friends that surpass my understanding of what it means to have friends; making dreams come true... living a dream come true
life should be filled with nothing less than the creative, the passionate, the expressive, the enlightened, the humble, the dedicated, the open-minded, the funny, the driven, and the interesting... if that includes you, then my life may have just become a little bit sweeter.
oh, this and that. a little ecclectic, a little not.
not enough in theaters, too many on cable.
these days it's on too much and i can't escape it.
yes, i'd like to write one.
people who love unconditionally, give selflessly, and aren't bastards