David Byrne - Miss America
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"You can't take sides when you know the earth is round."
~ Patricia Sun
"What good is it being Marilyn Monroe? Why can't I just be an ordinary woman? A woman who can have a family ... I'd settle for just one baby. My own baby."
~ Marilyn Monroe, also known as Norma Jean Mortenson
"I don't care what it looks like. I'm not here waiting for the notices. I'm here because I'm hungry."
~Eva Gabor
"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
~Nelson Mandela
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes."
~Mahatma Gandhi, also known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
~Oprah Winfrey
"Man was made for action, and to promote by the exertion of his faculties such changes in the external circumstances both of himself and others, as may seem most favourable to the happiness of all."
~Adam Smith
"Who is the strongest, who is the best, who holds the aces, the East or the West. This is the crap our children are learning."
~Roger Waters
"The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot."
~Salvador Dali
i will continue dreaming for interfamily harmonies with the intentions of recognizing the inherent necessity of ecological preservation. so let's all have a sense of humor, you weird global dreamers, you dancing folk moments, you resting and weary believers in science and reason. let us love, let us live, let us respect our resources as though they were part of ourselves. hell, they are.
Fiona Apple
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live plants dead plants dead plants killing live plants oil dead plants oil young children dead plants live plants dead plants dead dead plants live oil dead plant oil oil biofuel pollution biofuel pollution biofuel pollution oil dead oil plants dead plants live plants oil sky oil dead plants technology renaissance cultural advancement serious lifestyle changes live plants dead plants oil
the dead plants are killing the live plants and it's all the plant's fault!
...icantfindthecashphotojohnnybutistilllovethekid...Johnny Cash in the Muppet Show
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jesse harris. and the ferdinandos.
i love Mr. Oden. and i'm especially happy that he's getting that knee surgery he needed. take time recovering, baby, you deserve it! the game can wait. that's what i think.
Britney, they set you up
But you drank from their cup
Britney, they set you up
Oh, but this is what it looks like, love
This is what is looks like
When a star falls down, when a star falls down
Well, maybe you're a mother
But you still need your mother
Yes, I may be a mother but I still need a mother
To pick me up
Yes, to pick me up
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
Britney, they set you up
Is your contract winding up?
But you drank from the cup
Boy, this is what it looks like
Yes, I said, this is, this is what it looks like, Disney, yes
When a star falls down, when a star falls down
Well, maybe you're a mother
Baby, you still need a mother
Yes, I may be a mother but I still need a mother
To pick me up
Yes, to pick me up
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
Joni Mitchell-Both Sides Now
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vestal virgins. i mean, really. the only priestesses in ancient rome. pure asexuality. and, what with the hearth representing the hub of community, and all. god knows they weren't actually lesbians. homosexuality wasn't such an issue in ancient rome. the repression of sexuality sure did change society, though. way to go. unifying the theological pantheon under a mast of one supremely androgynous male alpha dynamo, absolute brilliance! what a strange twist on fertility. and to think, perhaps it took two men, and a whole lot of women, to upset the ranks. not that i would know anything about that, mind you. i'm just someone who slid out the primordial ooze of vagina. and i've been repulsed by them ever since. but i love women. i mean, seriously. women are great. why not talk with one sometime? without an agenda.
Radiohead - Karma Police
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"Know thyself in the face of those whom you admire, for they are neither souvenirs, nor belongings."
~Ariell Dione Hartwell