mrame eeehh.... ma2log... kumain.... manood... mgbsa ng mga magazines.... mg swimMing, mgcOmputer... un lng!!
mabait, friendly, simple..., "cute", uuummmm...... bSta add nyO n lng me... [email protected]...
baBy gIrl, tHink Of aaliyah, hOw did yOu knOw, bKt p b, bEcauSe Of yOu, AlwaYs, Maybe, tHe gIft, I'LL be, mOOnlight Over paris, Get here, lEt e be tHe One, Ocean deep, One last cRy, sTay, dReaming Of yOu, tHroUgh tHe raIn, Heaven, dIrty, wOrk It, Perfect, thOia thOing, gEt bUsy, rIght thuRr, baby bOy, tHe yEs yEs sHOw, In da club, IgnitiOn, wAts lOve, Unwell, cLap back, my bAnd, I lke da Way yOu mOve, yEah, naughty Girl, rainbOw, a little bit, my immOrtal..... bsta mrmi pa... hehehe....:)
uuummmm...??? Naked WeapOn, kiLL biLL, View frOm the tOp, sO clOse, tHe hOt cHick, the passiOn Of the chRist, tHe rIng, ju On, wrOng tUrn, tHe texas chain Saw massacre, hOuse Of the dead, iNner Senses, FreAky friDay, maiD in manhattan, tHe animaL, hOw tO lOse a gUy in ten Days, lizzie Mcguire, wHat a gIrl waNts, bRing it On, dUplex, swiMming pOOl, bsta mrme pa.... :)
well.... well....well... uuuuuuummmmmmmmm........... stAr strUck.., feAr factOr, hbO, brOther beAr!! (da beSt!!) uuummm... bsta mrame!!!
i don't read books.. i just read a bOOks wen needed.....(.')