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waZzUp eVeRyOne?! weLL... i'M cLarisSe.. But mY friEnDs caLL mE "cLanG-cLang" oR "cLaNGkY"... iSn't It cUtE Or weirD..? eHeHeHeHe..! i'm cUrReNtLy a 3rd yeAr hiGhsChooL sTudEnT aT iMmAcuLate HeaRt oF maRy coLLeGe.. i'm eaSiLy aTtraCteD wiTh coLors piNk aNd puRpLe..weLL..bCoz tHose aRe My faVoriTes! kiNda addiCt wiTh, tHat'S wHy uSuaLLy My sTuFfs aRe iN thOsE coLoRs... i'M a fRieNdLy gaL aNd a hAppY-Go-LuCkY pErSoN... i reaLLy liKe haNgiNg oUt wiTh mY cLoseSt FriEnDs aNd havE A GReAt giMik... My frieNds aRe teLLinG mE thaT i'M vErY 'LaKwaTsEra'.. weLL... i JusT waNt tO haVe gReaT tiMe iN otHer pLaces... pEopLe deScRibe mE as vErY "ma-KiKaY".. i aDmiT tHAt's tRue..! aNd thaT's whAT i eNJoY oF bEin' a girL... i'm swEEt aNd caRinG tO my fRiEnDS.. aNd oF courSe vErY aPpRoaChAbLe... i'M a loUd peRsOn But tHeRE aRe tiMeS tHaT i beCoMe sHy...i'm vErY taLkaTiVe anD ma-cHiKka tO mY pEEpZ... iNtErNeT sUrFiNg, cHaT, sOunD triP, waTch MoViEs aNd tV, aNd eAtiNg aRe mY hObbiEs! i dO tHose things eSpECiaLLy iF i haVe nOthinG tO dO aT HoMe... mOsT of tHe tiMes, eVerY suMMEr aNd cHrisTmaS vaCatioN..Ü i reaLLy loVe muSic..! caN't liVe wiThoUt iT.. aNd i'M alwaYs uPdaTeD oN new sOnGs.. weLL... i caN'T iMagiNe whAt wouLd Be mY liFe Be wiThoUt mUsic.. NO MUSIC, NO LIFE!...Ü i liKe tuNinG iN aT cAmpUs raDio 97.1 aNd maGic 89.9... tHose raDio staTiOns reaLLy rOcKs..! tHey pLay the hOttEsT sOngs iN tOwN!.hehehehehe.. :-).. i Love siNgiNg eVeN tHouGh mY vOiCe is nOt tHat gOod..hehehehe..LoLz.. i siNg louD esPecially aT hoMe.. as iF tHeRE's aLwaYs a giG herE On OuR HoUse..nyahahahah! mY faVoRiTE cHarAcTeR is wiNniE tHe POOh aNd hiS friEnds!.. tHey'Re so cUte anD i reaLLy eNJoY whEnEveR i waTcH ThEm at diSnEy cHAnneL..! hahahahah!.. i aLsO liKe coLLecTiNg piLLows, sTuffEd tOys, beaRs aND Of cOurSe stUfFeD ToYS Of My all tiMe fAve wiNNie thE pooH!!.. tHey'Re sO huGgabLe.. wiSh ThEy couLd be reaL hEre iN oUr worLd... hehhehehe...Ü mY hoLLyWooD cRusHes?! weLL... tHEy'Re tOm cRuiSe, braD PitT, hUgh gRAnT, daNieL raDcLiFFe aNd tObY maGuiRe!!.. tHose gUys aRe veRy haNdsoMes.. aGreE!?.. i caN aLsO aDd uP pRinCe wiLLiAm AnD pRinCe haRry!! wiSh One oF thEy wiLL maRrY Me... hehehhe! iN mY dReamS!! ahahahahahah!! i'm a vEry neaT perSon aLso... i alWaYS MaKe sUre ThaT i alwaYs looK prEsEntabLe tO peopLe.. eVry MinUte, eVrY hoUR.. i appLy poWDeR AnD coLogNe..! hehehehe!... i'm aLso coLLeCtiNg baBY coLogNes, peRfuMeS aNd bOdY spRAYs tOO...Ü i liKe eaTinG cHocoLAtEs!! iT's maH faVoRiTe..!! hehehehe... i aLso liKe italiaN, aMEricaN, AnD Of CouRse, fiLipiNo cUisiNes... acTuaLLy, i LovE eaTinG bUt i wondEr wHy i dOnt gaiN tOo mUcH weiGht aNd stiLL remaiNs seXy...!.. weLL.. thaTs whaT i liKe 'bOut me... i aLsO drinK aLcoHoLic BEvEraGes.. bUt i driNk it mOderaTeLy.. i aLso loVe mY haiR..!! i reaLLy taKe caRE oF iT... mY friEndS thOuGht thaT i'Ve let it reBoNd, bUt i diDn'T..! iT's vEry naturaL... tHeY SAy that i'Ve gOt a niCe haiR bCoz it's stRaiGht..hehehehe..Ü weLL.. thAT's aLL i caN saY 'BoUt myseLf..! ...

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eVeRyOne..!! jUsT feeL fREe 2 iNviTe mE.. oR seNd me mEsSagEs..Ü

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