Aya Sayah is a young christian artist from the french west indies seeking to spread out the message of his Lord throughout the world.
Originally from the island of Guadeloupe he lives in Martinique and this is where he started singing.
It all started in 1998 with a student association called "Creatik" which aim was to put together grown artist students and beginners. With his fellow students Aya Sayah experienced for the first time the world of stages and music bands (Negrosmoz, Neg a Ras, Gwamasai, System 3d), until 2003 when he started asserting his faith in Jesus Christ. His music and soul family is now the "Camp of the Cross" crew. It features Benaja (Cafe and Fola), Kimathy and Neg a Ras' (Isham and Aya Sayah).
Aya Sayah est un jeune artiste chretien des antilles francaises cherchant a repandre le message de son Seigneur a travers le monde.
Originaire de l'ile de la Guadeloupe il vit depuis 8 ans en Martinique ou il a commence a chanter.
Tout a commence en 1998 avec l'association etudiante "Creatik" dont le but etait de rassembler les artistes etudiants de talent confirme et les debutants. Avec ses amis du campus il fit ses premieres experiences de scene et de groupes (Negrosmoz, Neg a Ras, Gwamasai, System 3d), et ce jusqu'en 2003 date a laquelle il commenca a affirmer sa foi en Jesus Christ.
Sa famille musicale et spirituelle est actuellement le collectif " Le Camp de la Croix " compose de Benaja (Cafe et Fola), Kimathy et Neg a Ras' (Isham et Aya Sayah).
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